9.9.2023 was officially opened #Liberland #Post #Office. Unfortunately 21.9.2023 was stolen by #Croatian #police and employees of Hrvatske Šume doo. The post office thus only functioned for a few days on the #territory of Liberland. During 9.9. and 10.9. A total of 23 letters were sent from the territory of Liberland.
Liberland Post is the first in the world to issue a stamp in #Bitcoin #currency. The #stamp was issued in a limited edition of only 100 pieces for Liberland's eighth #anniversary.
From 27.10. until 30.10.2023 we had a postal service open on #Liberty #Island in Liberland. A total of eight #letters were sent.
New #postcards for Liberland. The first of these were sent from Liberty Island.
Liberland Post Office contact:
[email protected]

Liberland Post Office
By Liberland TV | Liberland TV | 2 Nov 2023
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