Passive income with FLUX Nodes

By lezanch | Lezanch | 24 May 2024

Good morning to all

In my moderate passion for the crypto world, which started a few years ago by mining with a home PC, over the years I became more interested in the various projects, the different blockchains and what they could offer, even as an alternative to classic mining (in my case, small, home-based and only with GPUs, as I don't own any Asic).
I came across several times, doing research that often led to videos posted on YouTube, cryptos which, in addition to the classic earnings from mining or staking, offered the possibility of having one's own ‘node’ where, after depositing a certain number of coins as ‘collateral’, one is offered daily or periodic rewards that accumulate in one's own wallet of reference.
Over time, I did my research and opened my first node, at the beginning of April 2024, of Neoxa, where with 1,000,000 Neox in collateral, I receive 2,250 Neox every 54/56 hours or so, directly in my wallet... and first of this Neoxa node, in December I've run my first node with a dedicated minipc.. ETCMC node, but actually I leave this project.
Today, however, I want to talk to you about another type of node, perhaps the best known, namely that of FLUX, which has been available for a few years now and which will become, I hope shortly, my next node for ‘passive incoming’.

I would like to start with a small preamble for those who are not familiar with the subject... namely, what is a ‘node’? I have to help myself a bit with the net for as precise a definition as possible.

A Blockchain node is an individual computer connected to a Blockchain network, and processes transactions and verifies data that is added to the chain. The computer used to run a node is also known as a ‘full node’. This is because it stores a complete copy of the Blockchain network's transaction history: all blocks and records, including all data points within the Blockchain. A full Blockchain node can verify any information added to the Blockchain.

When you want to send tokens or perform a transaction, you must ensure that your Blockchain node can communicate with the recipient's Blockchain node. Otherwise, the transaction will fail.
A Blockchain node can be a computer, server or other device connected to the Internet. Once the software is installed and configured, the network node will start downloading the existing Blockchain data and distributing it to the other nodes. The more nodes that are available, the faster the Blockchain network grows.

Having said that, let us now look at the FLUX node, or rather, nodes, as there are several types: CUMULUS, NIMBUS, STRATUS and TITAN.

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As you can see, in example, to have the entry level node, called Cumulus, you need at least of 1.000 FLUX in collateral deposited on official Flux Wallet "Zelcore", and a running PC (or mini-pc as well as the dedicated machines) with the minimum requirements as per the latest column, included the minimum internet band speed. If it is not possible, for some reason, to have the hardware and Internet speed requirements to host a node, there are various sites that can do it for you, subject to payment of a monthly or annual fee, such as ‘Node Orbit’. 

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Finally, there is the TITAN knot, the least expensive knot, for those who want to approach the world of Flux knots in small steps.
You can think of it as real staking, with the FLUXs tied up for a period of 3, 6 or 12 months.

For earnings, there is an online calculator that makes an estimate. Below is a screen to see, node by node, how much you can accumulate.


The importance of a crypto node lies in the fact that it enables the growth and development of the reference blockchain, making the project grow effectively and continuously.

Thank you for your attention


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Hello Publish0x.. I'm Lezanch (real name Leonardo), 41 years old guy from Italy. Since 10 years old I loved computers, my first one was a personal IBM PS/2 with 20 Mb (yes, 20 Megabytes) of hard disk... Now I spend almost of my working time in front of pc monitors.. so sometimes I loves to read some good and interesting news/post.. now it is also my turn. :-)

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