CLORE AI - The Supercomputer sharing

By lezanch | Lezanch | 21 Oct 2024

CLORE.AI is a distributed Computer and mining rig platform which offers a wide range of services, related to the use of GPU (Nvidia) mining, different from what may have been done so far.

The platform primarily targets several areas of use, including training artificial intelligence models, cryptocurrency mining, and movie rendering.


I became acquainted with this platform, as well as its subsequent potential, after evaluating the mining of the CLORE.AI coin (, and after learning more about the possibility of being able to rent mining rigs that could be integrated into one's HiveOS farm, thanks to some guidance on Youtube.

From the portal it is in fact possible to buy, or rather rent, real gpu rigs, strictly equipped with Nvidia cards, that can be used on Windows, Ubuntu, Linux or HiveOS, for a set period of time, paying for the service in Bitcoin or
The GPUs are varied, including the top-of-the-line RTX 4090, for which, of course, the rental price rises. Once the purchase is made, the GPU, or GPU rig, will go to mine within its own farm, the desired currency, being able to control it all through its HiveOS dashboard.


But this is just one of the features offered, because it is also possible to make your own server or mining rig available, receiving, hear hear, much more than you can mine in your own home. It is, in fact, recognized that there is a bigger bonus and price in entrusting Clore.Ai with your own mining rig than in mining at home. Of course, the energy has to be paid out of pocket, just as with traditional mining, but the revenue is greater, receiving BTC or CLORE or both.

I, for the past few weeks, have been making my 4x RTX 4060 Ti format mining rig available, achieving attractive payments when the rig is rented. But if it is not rented? no problem, the miner will continue to mine according to what is normally set. When some marketplace user wishes to ask for my rented miner, automatically there will be a switch between my mining and the one managed by
The price at which you decide to put your miner online can be fixed, or it can be value-dependent based on the crypto you use for set up the Flightsheet with a multiplier.





What other function you can find on the Clore.Ai Website? 

There is lot of wallets you can download or use with your browser, as well as there is the opportunity to use the function POH. The "Proof of Holding" solution is a feature, incentivizing users who hold Clore coins. In this moment I'm not using it, but I would like to try as soon as possibile the opportunity that is offered.



Clore.Ai platform offer also a referral program, that allow you to receive a small percentage of the money spent on the portal. If you want to Register your account using my referal code, it will be really appreciated

Thank you very much for your attention.

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Hello Publish0x.. I'm Lezanch (real name Leonardo), 41 years old guy from Italy. Since 10 years old I loved computers, my first one was a personal IBM PS/2 with 20 Mb (yes, 20 Megabytes) of hard disk... Now I spend almost of my working time in front of pc monitors.. so sometimes I loves to read some good and interesting news/post.. now it is also my turn. :-)

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