Earn ~5$ worth of IOTX (IoTeX) on CoinMarketCap!

By ntz | learn! & earn! | 26 Jul 2021

Today on Learn! & Earn! we can get ~5$ worth of IOTX on CoinMarketCap!

There is a new lesson available on CMC starting on 26th July 12:00 UTC. As always on CMC you have to take a quiz to get your rewards.

The answers to the quiz are not known yet. To get you started I will summarize IoTeX for you! But, as always, I recommend to read the lessons because knowledge is power in my eyes!

1) 1,000,000 IOTX will be distributed to 5,000 winners on a first-come, first-serve basis. Complete the quiz early to guarantee your rewards!
2) 4,000,000 IOTX will be distributed randomly to 20,000 winners amongst all those that complete the quiz successfully before August 9.

What is IOTX?

The IOTX token connects the physical and digital world. The rapidly evolving ecosystem aims to put billions of devices on the blockchain. IOTX is the lifeblood of this ambitious, interconnected, and profitable future. IOTX is a one-of-a-kind token that gives the holder access to the IoTeX network, and the worldwide impact that comes with it. Holders can stake and vote for delegates, democratically shaping the future of the easy-to-use IoTeX network, increasing its value in the process.

IOTX Uses:

In addition to representing fractional ownership of the IoTeX Network, IOTX has multiple uses (or “utility”) to enable trusted and transparent interactions between various stakeholders.

  • Easy To Use: For People & Devices
  • Governance: Stake & Vote
  • Real World Connectivity: Device Certification
  • Ultra Scalable: Less than 0.1 of a cent per transaction


Have a nice day and greetings from germany, ntz410


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