My Investigation on CoinMarketCap's REVV Learn and Earn Campaign


REVV is the latest Coinmarketcap Learn and Earn campaign and users who will successful respond all the questions of the quiz will receive 5$ worth of REVV Token in a First come first serve policy distributed on their Metamask ERC-20 wallet. The campaign will be active from 2021.06.16 to 2021.06.25 (23:59:59 UTC)

What Is CoinMarketCap Learn and Earn?

CoinMarketCap Learn and Earn enables users to receive tokens while learning about a new cryptocurrency project. Each user needs to watch a series of educational videos about a crypto project and complete a quiz consisting of several questions about the project's basic information. There main challenge of the quiz is that the user needs to answer ALL questions correctly, otherwise no reward is provided.
It should be also noted that the content provided on CoinMarketCap Learn and Earn doesn't mean to provide any financial or investment advice from the platform and it serves purely as educational content for the CoinMarketCap users.

What Is REVV?

According to CoinMarketCap REVV Overview, REVV is the main utility token and in-game currency for branded motorsports blockchain game titles produced by Animoca Brands, such as the F1® Delta Time blockchain game platform, and a title based on the MotoGP™ motorsport intellectual property, releasing in Q4 of 2020. A third racing game project will also be announced in the near future. REVV is designed to leverage the blockchain assets concept of interoperability, wherein a token can be utilised across multiple connected products. Having one utility token for multiple game titles offers various benefits to players and game publishers and will encourage players to explore the other games that are part of this connected ecosystem, and has the additional potential benefit that any content or tokens could increase in utility as the larger token ecosystem expands

Again, just like did in my previous Learn and Earn articles such as the My Investigation on CoinMarketCap's 1Inch Learn and Earn Campaign and Ocean Protocol Learn and Earn Binance Quiz I have decided to do my own research and find the correct answers and the arguments behind them instead of blindly following up the limited blog posts that provided them. I repeat that even 1 wrong answer either on purpose or by wrong judgement is enough to destroy someone's hopes of the CoinmarketCap Learn and earn REVV airdrop. The lessons for the Learn and Earn REVV campaign can be found here:


Question 1: What is the max supply of REVV tokens?


My Justification: As it is mentioned on CoinMarketCap's REVV overview, the max supply of REVV tokens is 3 millions.

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Question 2: Where to buy REVV tokens?


My Justification: On CoinMarketCap's REVV market list, KuCoin and Uniswap are on the first 3 positions and Digifinex on the 18th position.


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Question 3: What is the REVV token?


My Justification: On the Lesson 1: What is REVV?, it is very clearly mentioned that

The REVV token is an ERC-20 utility token that acts as the main currency for a number of game dApps developed by Animoca Brands. It powers REVV Motorsport, a blockchain gaming platform with real life Play To Earn gaming economy and officially licenced racing titles.


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Question 4: REVV token will be connected by shared economy in F1® Delta Time and MotoGP™ Ignition games.


My Justification: On the introduction of  Lesson 3: The REVV Token, and How Crypto Enhances Gaming and Sport, again it is very clearly mentioned that the REVV token will be connected in F1@ Delta Time and MotoGP(TM) Ignition games.

Now that we’ve seen how the REVV token is used in practice through F1® Delta Time (not forgetting that in the future it can also be used for other officially licensed titles like MotoGP™ Ignition,) it’s time to delve into this project’s tokenomics and reflect on how cryptocurrencies have the potential to transform gaming and sports forever.

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Question 5: REVV was available for trade on Pancakeswap starting on 4 September 2020, at 8 pm (UTC +8).


My Justification: On the Animoca Brands website, it is very clearly mentioned that REVV has been available on that day for trade on Uniswap app not in PancakeSwap.

REVV will be available for trade on Uniswap starting on 4 September 2020, at 8 pm (UTC +8). At that time, the public will have the opportunity to purchase and sell REVV by using the Uniswap app, which can be launched from the Uniswap website at or from the REVV website at REVV tokens will be paired with ether (ETH) on the Uniswap platform.

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Question 6: What are the benefits of REVV blockchain gaming platform?


My Justification: To be honest, that was a quite tricky question as there is no specific part in all the 3 lessons that talks about the benefits of REVV blockchain gaming platform. However, after studying all 3 lessons, someone might easily come to the conclusion that the REVV blockchain gaming platform offer all the above benefits through the Play-to-earn gaming concept described on Lesson 2: How Does Play-to-Earn Work? and in the Animoca brands website announcement.

Question 7: What is the name of the exciting gaming concept that the REVV token delivers?


My Justification: On the introduction of Lesson 2: How Does Play-to-Earn Work?, again it is very clearly mentioned that the gaming concept is Play-to-earn.

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Question 8: Which type of NFT cars have the highest earning potential when it comes to staking?


My Justification: On the Lesson 2: How Does Play-to-Earn Work?, it is very clearly mentioned that the "APEX" tir NFT cards get 40% of the prize pool in the staking element of the F1@ Delta Time.

The first 2 Staking pools, together worth 10,000,000REVV, were and are available for 2019 car owners. In this example, cars with a higher level of rarity are able to command a bigger chunk of earning potential when it comes to staking. While Apex cars get 40% of the prize pool, Legendary get 30%, Epic receive 20%, Rare 6% and Common 4%. All of this creates an incentive to keep looking for new cars to add to a collection.



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Please make sure to use your dAPP wallet address for the airdrop of your ERC-20 REVV token since you will need a dApp wallet account to connect in F1 Delta Time website and earn your REVV in-app tokens through your gameplay. Personally I use Metamask for my ERC-Tokens. REVV's token contract address can be found at CoinMarketCap website.


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Disclaimer: All information found on this article is for informational purposes only. I do not provide any personal investment advice so please make your own research before proceeding to any investment/trading actions


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