The survey app Premise

This Paid Survey App Doesn't Disqualify

By Lazy Money UK | Lazy Money UK | 5 Sep 2021

What's up guys?  Lazy Money UK back again with another money-making app review.

Today we are looking at the survey app Premise.

Paid surveys can be a good way to increase your income online.  On the other hand, the survey industry is renowned for exploitative and misleading practices, such as using disqualification questions to avoid paying for you time.

Premise is a survey app with a difference.  They offer a guaranteed daily survey, which pays 25p in less than 2 minutes.

The surveys are intended for everyone, meaning they have no disqualification questions.

Since the daily survey appears without fail, it can be calculated that using Premise every day will add £7+ to your monthly income.  Incidentally, £7 is the threshold for withdrawing your earnings.

When I tried cashing out on this app, it paid almost instantly to PayPal.  There's also an option to receive £7 worth of Bitcoin to your Coinbase account, should you prefer.

Premise claims to be available in over 100 countries around the world.  I'd be interested to hear how good this app is in locations outside of the UK where I tested it, so comment down below if you have experience with this.

I wish there was a referral scheme for this app, because it's such a reliable way to make money.  It looks like the promo code system was discontinued however.  So here are the direct download links for your convenience:

iOS version

Android version

If you do take your chances with other survey apps, make sure you check out my guide on how to avoid survey disqualifications as far as possible.

Thanks for checking out this review of Premise.  Remember to subscribe so I can bring you more lazy money making tips.

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