Weekly Report Atomars Exchange // Free Coin Faucet // Week 2

By Kryptowork | Kryptotreff | 15 Jun 2020

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Week 2 of Claiming the Free Coins


We are Claiming now the Second Week from the New Exchange Atomars Free Coin Faucet. Atomars Change the Rules for the Free Coins. You have to Verify your Atomars Account before you can Start Claiming. The Coins to Claim are changing from Time to Time. 


These Coins are Free to Claim this Week:20f376bdfd1fe2a67d8156117572855cbdbdbb0e3cc1d48235efb3b5772491cc.jpeg




Our Balance last Week:





& Our Balance after Two Weeks of Claiming:



We personally safe the Coins for a while. Our motivation is to get some different Coins to Hold it. 


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Time to Change


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