Web3 Social Hackathon Dec/22 Winners Announced!

Hi all and Happy New Year!!

We hope you had some good holidays and are ready to get back on this Web3 journey with the Krebiters Community! πŸ™‚ We have a bunch of awesome updates and exciting news:

- πŸ₯‡πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» Web3 Social Hackathon winners!

- πŸ†• πŸ”‘Integrated Web3auth for easy Web2 on-boarding

- πŸ†• ⭐️New Reviews Widget for portable-reputation.

- πŸš€πŸŽ“Join other 2,900 students of our 101 class: Understanding Krebit Verifiable Credentials!

- πŸ™πŸ» πŸ’™We're on Gitcoin open source Grant round from Jan 17th to 31st!


πŸ₯‡πŸ‘©β€πŸ’»Web3 Social Hackathon winners!

"The Web3 Social Hackathon has come to a close and the results were absolutely awesome! The Hackathon, which took place from December 1st to December 31st, invited participants to unleash their creativity and develop decentralized social projects using a web3 stack. The prize pool of $50k attracted a large number of submissions, 41 in total, featuring a wide range of concepts such as innovative creator platforms, decentralized identity control, sybil-resistant social networks, and token-gated experiences."

The Krebit x Orbis Bounty winner project was βœ¨πŸŽ‰ OrbisRep - A score reflecting your level of participation in web3 - $3k πŸ’΅: https://orbis-rep.vercel.app/Β 


πŸ†• πŸ”‘Integrated Web3auth for easy Web2 on-boarding

We integrated Web3auth, so you now can create credentials for your community that can be claimed with emails!

You can issue custome badge, events and education credentials to your community. The credentials are stored off-chain on the Ceramic network, and they can also be minted as an ERC-1155 NFT!


Here is a quick tutorial on how to create them: https://youtu.be/0uIbDder_vM



πŸ†• ⭐️New Reviews Widget for portable-reputation.

The first version of the Krebit reviews widget is ready for use and we'd like to invite you to give it a try, you can add to your blog page or your apps and start collecting web3 reviews!



Check out more details here: https://twitter.com/KrebitID/status/1613190356677365761Β 


πŸš€πŸŽ“Join other 2,900 students of our 101 class!

We've released a 101 course called "Understanding Krebit Verifiable Credentials",Β  to learn the basics of DIDs, Verifiable Credentials and Krebit Reputation, get your completion NFT now! https://101.xyz/course/clbk4bivs262440fle81jt8lz0


πŸ™πŸ» πŸ’™We're on Gitcoin open source Grant round from Jan 17th to 31st!

The Gitcoin open source Grant alpha round is live! and we're excited to have been selected as grantees in a selected group. It will run from Jan 17th to 31st πŸ™πŸ» πŸ’™

Your contributions will continue helping us build the best reputation protocol for Web3!

Tutorial on How to donate: https://twitter.com/JoinSpect/status/1615772716862406656?t=xcN_QnpmrIJQe7Kgfub9nQ

Krebit Grant: https://grant-explorer.gitcoin.co/#/round/1/0xd95a1969c41112cee9a2c931e849bcef36a16f4c/0x68d7168d2ed92300f3c30b1b6c7d2c822ea71c24ec55e18d8777eb47ae998905-0xd95a1969c41112cee9a2c931e849bcef36a16f4cΒ 

Learn more

- App: https://krebit.id/

- 101 classes: https://101.xyz/c/krebit

- Docs: https://docs.krebit.id/

- Videos: https://www.youtube.com/@krebit

- Original YellowPaper: https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmacmL7Dwh1gW6ksyheyQwgGf6oDLoYPUgev5LKDt8xcXU?filename=Krebit%20YellowPaper%20v0.3.pdf - Grant: https://gitcoin.co/grants/3522/krebit-web3-verifiable-credentials

- Developers: https://docs.krebit.id/

Join the conversation:

- Follow us on Twitter https://twitter.com/KrebitID

- Discord chat: https://discord.com/invite/VHSq4ABsfzΒ 


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Decentralized Reputation (DeRep) for a Web3 of Trust. | https://twitter.com/KrebitID | http://krebit.id/

Krebit - Your Web3 Reputation Passport
Krebit - Your Web3 Reputation Passport

Blog for the Krebit.id Protocol | https://twitter.com/KrebitID | http://krebit.id share your #talent, keep your #privacy

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