credit to @Propagandashand on X (Twitter)

Ledger Hacked???

By KatsuCrypto | KatsuCrypto | 15 Dec 2023

For a while now, I have been putting off purchasing a cold wallet. Everything that I’ve read and heard is that if you hold $ETH or any token on Ethereum of value, you should keep them in a ledger wallet. 

Like, what are you doing without a ledger it’ll you value your holdings?

I feel for anyone with a Ledger wallet that was affected by the “malicious version of the Ledger Connect kit


Luckily, putting it off worked out for me in the end. A bullet has been dodged.

If there’s one thing that all crypto holders should be looking out for this cycle, it’s scammers.

The social network formerly known as Twitter is a virtual land mine of scammer links and drainer ads. This is a PSA reminding everyone to stay safe out there. There are jerks out there that want to separate your from your bags.

I’m happy with my holdings and excited about what this next bull run will bring.

If there is one thing I’ve learned in these last few years in the space it’s that you should be weary of what websites you link your wallet. I urge everyone that values their packed bags to set up a burner wallet. Do not rush your transactions.

Take your time. Use a wallet that doesn’t hold a lot of $ETH to mint that NFT that you just absolutely HAVE to have. (Side note, NFTs are going to zero, so buy @CryptoPhunksV2! Goes without saying that this is NFA!)


Don’t just connect your precious wallet to some DeFi site that promises huge yields! When participating in this crazy crypto game, use caution. Do some research. Find others that might know more than you who can help guide you through this scammy but lucrative space. We can win this cycle and I truly believe that a lot of folk will. But proceed with caution.

Stay safe out there and let’s keep HODLing and winning!

Thank you all for reading!

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BTC and ETH maxi. HODLer.


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