When the price isn't match

By Kenzoo | Kanza Blog | 13 Mar 2024

Sell or buy, these are the two choices that must be made in determining the cryptocurrency market trade. Being a holder requires patience, while being a trader requires instincts about when the time is right.

Every crypto player has their own share of nicknames. Be it investors, traders, holders, users, or developers. But even though the nickname is different, it still has one goal, namely income.


Income brings profit, big or small, the main thing is not to lose money let alone go bankrupt. Because that's called defeat. Sometimes all means are pursued from positive to negative.

Everything is risky because in essence investment or business must have risks. So actually when the price does not match, we must have a someth8ng to call as backup that can cover the line or part of the defeat that has been done.

Not much different from any formation in this world that is often done by humans forc life. Because that is the meaning of life so that it becomes part of life.

Its rotation remains the same and will not change because the earth rotates every time, and that rotation is the creation of a journey called time. Humans live as part of the passage of time.


With the passage of time, changes are created. From positive can become negative and vice versa from negative can become positive. The limit of time is only the remaining value that humans say is the end of life. Where the value of value will be exhausted or useless.

Used up or useless is also just a figure of speech, not meaning to be lost but no longer noticed or cared about. So the adjustment is due to need, not just value or infinity.

So when the price does not match the problem of no profit or commonly referred to as a loss, it is actually not a problem that is actually said to be problematic. Because when we realize the rotation of the rotation time, everything will be forgotten and will bring back the luck that may be said to have never come.

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