Uptober 2024

By Kenzoo | Kanza Blog | 19 Sep 2024


It looks like October will again be a positive part of history for conditions after Bullish Momentum. As many people know, in recent years, October often marks the start of bullish momentum that will continue into the following months, especially in years when the crypto market is in an uptrend. As a small example, in October 2021, Bitcoin price jumped significantly from around $43,000 to over $60,000, reaching a record high in November 2021.

In addition, October is also a lot of choice for developers, especially those who have explored the crypto world as a month of choice for the publishing period of something new. Because seeing the month of October often provides positive market developments. From the launch of a new project to working on new adoptions often occurs in October.

And another thing why October can be used as a positive month for the start of the bullish trend to take place is the Post September Period. Where September is often a month that is so volatile or experiencing price declines, so the impact on October is often a period of a recovery period or a period of revival after a decline.

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