Rise And Fall

By AtomCollector | Juxta | 9 Jun 2019


Part of the "Peaceful Tranquility" EP.

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Got time to kill waiting here
Nothing to do but face my fears
Got selective amnesia
Not sure I should be here at all

All those wasted days of my misspent youth
Hanging around doing nothing with you
But would I go back and change it all?
What difference would it make I'd still rise and fall


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More about Juxta

Genre agnostic singer/songwriter from the UK with influences including: Radiohead, Nine Inch Nails, Motorhead, Bjork & The Buzzcocks.

# Live Audio/Visual Radio Show `Radio Evolved` on Sundays At 20:00 BST (British Summer Time)
Make sure you visit [our Discord](https://discord.gg/K4tkz8e) as the location of the show changes as some of the streaming services can be a bit temperamental! 

# Remix JUXTA
Would you like to remix some of my tracks? You can find stems and instructions here: https://steemit.com/music/@juxtamusic/remix-juxta-new-track-available-time-from-the-album-i-want-to-live-in-a-machine

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Industrial Post-Punk Musician amongst other things.

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