It's Time to Unite In Cryptocurrency ...

It's Time to Unite In Cryptocurrency ...


For the past few months, the cryptocurrency markets have been going through tough times due to negative events. The wave that started with Terra Luna continues with FTX … It looks like it will continue for a while … Of course, the enemies of cryptocurrencies did not miss the opportunity and started attacking cryptocurrencies …

One of them is Minneapolis Fed President Neel Kashkari attacking cryptocurrencies with the following statements:

Cryptocurrencies are utter nonsense. They are never eligible for payments. They do not provide protection against inflation. Their supply is not limited. There is no order and authority on taxation. It's just a tool for those who believe in speculation and the big idiot theory.

It's as if the current financial system is in very good shape... The system is in collapse, it's a complete mystery how long they will survive...

The era of cryptocurrencies, a product of blockchain technology and its financial system, has begun … Nobody can prevent it, they can only delay it …

A simple example; Which investment vehicle can be $17K now, even though it dropped from $1 in 2009… I have only one answer; BITCOIN dot…



BTC price

A payment instrument is a limited supply asset that protects its investors against inflation.

Minneapolis Fed President Neel Kashkari is right about one thing; Cryptocurrency needs regulation in itself. If the cryptocurrency world can't do this on its own, the authorities that built and screwed up the current financial system will try to...

This is where Binance exchange CEO Changpeng Zhao started to show his weight. He became a pioneer by writing a blog post explaining which projects investors should transfer their money to. He then announced that he had set up an insurance to protect those who invested in his stock market.

He asked exchanges to disclose as proof of reserve, and his own exchange announced it…, OKX, KuCoin, Bitfinex, Huobi, and Deribit made reserve announcements…

Finally, he started to meet with the states and open stock exchanges or buy existing stock exchanges in accordance with the laws of that country. The last example of this; Binance has acquired 100 percent of Japan-registered crypto exchange service provider Sakura Exchange BitCoin (SEBC).

Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao showed the world that cryptocurrencies are not without owners...

If cryptocurrency exchanges provide their own self-control, they will prevent outsiders from imposing...

Let's get to the question on everyone's mind...

When will the bull market come…?

It's hard to give an exact date but I know which cryptocurrency will fire the bull... BNB



BNB Price


My Last Words; When we consider the contributions of Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao to the cryptocurrency markets, it will be understood that I was right. Both the Binance exchange and the BNB network are evolving. BNB, which was $30 when the previous bull season started, is currently trading at $291 when the bear season starts to end. About 10X … Think about what levels it will reach in the next bull …

As I always say, listen to everyone, decide for yourself...

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