Bitcoin and NOTHING Else

By johnwege | johnwege | 17 Jan 2025

Don't get lost in the noise of the cryptocurrency market.

As we enter 2025, it is becoming obvious that everything is lining up perfectly for Bitcoin to do something truly magical.

Throughout Bitcoin's life, its earliest supporters have declared that eventually, BTC would cause the largest transfer of wealth that the world has ever seen. That when Bitcoin's value is finally understood, there will be a stampede rush into the asset, causing extreme FOMO and showing just how scarce it really is. The end result would cause Bitcoin to go parabolic and reach a price of millions of dollars per coin.

The only thing that is certain is that it is quickly becoming a game of those who have Bitcoin, and those who don't.

Last year the news that took the world by storm was BlackRock's spot Bitcoin ETF approval in the US. People have quickly forgotten just how dire the mood was in the crypto market up until that point. We were still fresh off of the FTX fraud scandal that many experts claimed would be the final death blow to this market. Bitcoin dipped all the way down to $15k, and many thought it was over.

However, this one event completely changed the trajectory of Bitcoin, and for the first time in its history. Bitcoin would reach a new all-time high before the BTC halving even took place. We were now in unprecedented territory and anything was possible.

The momentum carried into the summer when Donald Trump spoke at the Bitcoin Conference and declared that he would create a National Bitcoin Reserve in the US if elected president. Also, promising to make the US a much more crypto-friendly country and wanting to be the "biggest Bitcoin player" in the world.

Trump was finally elected President in November, and this meant only one thing.

Bitcoin Nation-State game theory had begun.


At the time of writing this article, Trump will enter the White House in less than a week, and the market has already begun to speculate just how high Bitcoin's price will go.

The hard truth is that Trump's announcement of his plans to create a national Bitcoin reserve publically was a mistake. The moment he was elected this gave other countries around the world a two-month headstart to front-run the United States. And it is obvious that is exactly what happened.

On the day of the US Presidential, it was in the $50,000 range. However, in the month following his election win, the price of Bitcoin would soar all the way up to $108k before dipping slightly. There have been several strong rumors about multiple countries using this time to make their own positions. This is the game theory that Bitcoin creates.

The World Isn't Ready for how Scarce Bitcoin Is


We live in a world where everything is available at your fingertips. With streaming services, you no longer need to wait to watch your favorite shows. With online ordering, you can order almost anything, anywhere. If you want the newest tech item that is sold out. You can still order it, and it will be delivered once the stock is replenished.

Bitcoin is the complete opposite. It is scarce, and there will only be 21 million bitcoins created. They can't be printed on demand. Once they are gone, they are gone forever.

With corporations such as Microstrategy and also Nation-States now entering the game. It is obvious that there isn't much Bitcoin left. There could possibly be a time when it is hard to find anyone who would be willing to sell you their Bitcoin. That is what will send the price of Bitcoin to outlandish levels. Higher and higher until people are finally willing to sell it.

Don't Get Lost in the Noise


In the cryptocurrency market, it is extremely easy to become distracted by everything around you. Everyone is trying to get rich as quickly as possible and many feel that they already missed their chance with Bitcoin.

This results in them believing that meme coins or other altcoins are their best chance to find the "next Bitcoin."

There isn't another Bitcoin.

Take a look around the market. The corporations who have been stockpiling Bitcoin are only talking about Bitcoin. That is the only thing they care about. The same goes for Nation-States.

They understand Bitcoin’s true value and just how scarce it really is.

Eventually, nearly all of those other tokens will trend to zero when compared to Bitcoin. Your best chance to have success is to block out all of the distractions and just buy Bitcoin. As much as you possibly can. For example, just look at how the NFT market has completely died out since 2021. Most people wouldn't even be able to give their NFTs away for free.

It may not be today, tomorrow, next week, or even a year from now. But if you do this on a long-term scale, you will be very successful. This is exactly the method that many of the most successful Bitcoiners have taken. Just stack "sats" and chill.

In ten years it will be the best decision that you have ever made.

How about you? Are you Bitcoin only?


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