I Am Not Gonna Be Original, I am gonna re-run a couple of my favorite BitcoinBaby creations on this guy
I created this post;
Last year, December 2023 because I knew that this day was coming, just like the Simpsons knew GG was coming:
By BitcoinBaby | There is more to Bitcoin Baby | 6 Nov 2024
I Am Not Gonna Be Original, I am gonna re-run a couple of my favorite BitcoinBaby creations on this guy
I created this post;
Last year, December 2023 because I knew that this day was coming, just like the Simpsons knew GG was coming:
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Little kids keep asking why.....as a Noob in the Big Bad Bitcoin world the same is happening to me as I try to figure how to survive. My Posts will take you through all the things happening in my mind since I got on the BTC Rocket into Crypto Universe
Of course Bitcoin Babyยดs adventure throughout the Big Bad Crypto-verse are great....but sometimes there are other stories out there waiting to be told by BCB
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