The Power of Saving and Investing

By Bhatt_G | Bhattg | 13 Oct 2023

We are quite surprised to see other people's property and money. And often wonder how they made everything possible here. We must have seen around us that some people are very poor, some people are very rich and some are in between these two. Even though everyone is of the same age, all three must have done something different due to which they are situated differently. People look at everyone's results and not what they have done to get there. Many people dedicate their lives to work with full honesty and yet are unable to earn anything. But there are some people who achieve a lot in just a few years.

Some of them get everything quickly by taking bribes and you must have noticed that the sooner one progresses through such things, the sooner one falls. There is an old saying that there is strength in hard-earned money, and it is also true. Even if you earn ₹ 100 through hard work, if you earn ₹ 1 lakh through dishonesty, you will be scared inside because you know that you have done something wrong.


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It is not that you cannot become rich/wealthy with less money or that you cannot save with less money. It is possible to do everything, even if you work with less money, if you save, it becomes a habit and it is very important. Because having a good habit is a very good thing and the habit of saving can give you a lot of benefits in the long run. Whether you do it from your home's piggy bank or you keep your money in the bank, any kind of saving is very important.

This is better than those people who spend everything unnecessarily here and there. Many people first spend and then think about saving. I believe that people who first think about saving and then spending have a slightly different mentality. If you work and you invest some part of it, then in the coming years you will see that you will accumulate some amount or the other. If you do nothing from nothing you will hardly have anything. If you suddenly win a lottery then it is a different matter otherwise it is impossible for it to happen.

Investing money wisely is also an art, and it is true that not everyone knows it. Believe me, if everyone learns this, everyone will become rich. Even though many investment options are available these days, if people are still not able to invest then it is their fault. If you do not trust banks or other platforms, you can also invest in gold or property. Yes, it is true that if you have a small amount then you will not be able to invest in property, but on the contrary, if you have a small amount then you can invest in gold and it is not necessary to have a large amount for that.



You just have to go to any shop and buy gold, you don't do anything with it, just keep taking gold pieces, you can do this every month or even once in a few months. If you look at the price of gold, it has hardly ever gone down even if you compare it with other stock items. There are high chances of profit by investing in high stocks and real estate and many stocks even give you dividends. You can make everything possible, you just have to follow a small habit, that is the habit of saving, even if it sounds very easy, it is not so easy.

If you still think that it is not difficult then you can try it once and then definitely let me know. Suppose you get a salary of ₹ 10000 and you save 10% of it i.e. ₹ 1000 every month and after 1 year you will have ₹ 12000 saved. If you spend everything you earn, you will have nothing left at the end of the year. If you do, you will have ₹ 12000 at the end of the year. And if you use an ID to save thousands of rupees on these, then you will also get some interest at the end of the year, although that interest will be useful it will be better than nothing.

What do you say, do you spend your money with your money or do you also spend your money and think of saving it later? Do you think saving is an easy task?

see you in the next post, till then Keep learning and keep exploring...

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