Final days of OXT rewards @CoinMarketCap Earn - - quiz questions and answers

CoinMarketCap has supported several airdrops: LUNA, KAVA, BAND. 
Actually there are four more: HNT / Helium, OXT / Orchid, SAND / The Sandbox and GRT / The Graph.

The principle is always the same: Watch some videos (though in general not all questions can be answered with information from the videos) - take the quiz - wait till the campaign ends and get the rewards to your binance spot wallet 2 weeks afterwards.

What you need:
x) a binance account and your Binance User ID (how to find it)
Important: You have to have completed the KYC-verification before rewards can be sent.
x) an account of coinmarketcap (only email adress required)

If, contrary to expectations, you have not yet registered for Binance, please consider registering with my referral link, where you and I will each receive 10% of your transaction fees: Binance Registration with 10% reduced transaction fees

Unlike other earn programs you are allowed to take the quiz only once - in total, per Binance account and per coinmarketcap account. So please be careful while filling out the questions.

Here are the lessons and the link to the quiz: 

The answers are

1.) What is the total supply of OXT tokens? Please find the answer here.
--> 1,000,000,000 

2.) What is NOT a weakness of traditional VPNs?
--> They cannot be used on public WiFi

3.) Why was Orchid created?
--> To build on strength of VPNs and address their shortcomings

4.) What is OXT?
--> The Orchid digital asset, used to enable its privacy marketplace

5.) What is OXT’s role on Orchid?
--> It helps ensure ample bandwidth and strengthen privacy

6.) What are Orchid credits?
--> Accounts pre-filled with OXT that can be purchased with nothing more than an ordinary credit card

7.) Name one feature that allows Orchid to keep data more private than traditional VPN services
--> Multiple hops between VPN providers

8.) How many hops can be configured on Orchid?
--> As many as a user wants

Here are some more solutions to current CoinMarketCap quizzes:

TheGraph / GRT @ CoinMarketCap Earn
TheSandbox / SAND @ CoinMarketCap Earn
Helium / HNT @ CoinMarketCap Earn

All the best trades, bye.

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