Ravencoin - Securities Digital Assets/Tokens 2019 - POW Mining For RVN - With Lead Dev Tron Black

Ravencoin - Hello Crypto and Blockchain community.

I talk with Tron Black, The Lead Developer at Ravencoin, we discuss the Ravencoin project. 

The beginnings of Ravencoin started with Bruce Fenton former executive director of the Bitcoin foundation and Patrick Byrne the CEO overstock, now when Tron heard they was going launch a coin, that's the sort of project he wanted to be involved in. 

With existing large developer community, Tron makes an open invitation to developers and welcomes everyone to participate saying that it’s a super transparent and open sourced project. 

Why they choose to fork off the Bitcoin/Genesis block with the proof of work consensus and Will Atomic swaps and the Lighting network be able to assist Ravencoin?  Tron explains The X16R Algorithm, which is ASIC resistant by design, its original idea is to be the peoples coin with how its evolved with Tron and Jay working on the algorithm. 

Core Concept of Ravencoin launching on Bitcoins 9th Birthday, the idea of tokenization of assets, this could be form collectable items on games to tokenization of stocks and bonds. 

How they could assist STO's with their tokenized assets from a technical prospective.  

Long term block rewards, the token burns over time and being Proof of work the incentive to mine RVN tokens. 

The Steps Tron and the Ravencoin team are taking to safeguard against an attack, similar to the Ethereum Classic 51% attack. 

🔗Links to Ravencoin 

👥 Ravencoin Website: https://ravencoin.org/ 

👫 Ravencoin Twitter: https://twitter.com/Ravencoin 

🎤Ravencoin Telegram: https://t.me/RavencoinDev 

🔖 Ravencoin Medium - https://medium.com/@ravencoin 

📖 Tron Black Medium - https://medium.com/@tronblack


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📚 ICO's are considered as High risk investment, but can be high reward, make sure your carry out your research before investing. 

📚 I enjoys making YouTube videos on cryptocurrency and I'm not professional advisor giving advice on investing and trading. I'm not saying buy these coins. You got research yourself guys. What I say is what I believe and my personnel opinion, apart from that I hope to see you on the moon or building on minecraft if you are trading cryptocurrency’s. 


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Interviews on Crypto and Blockchain
Interviews on Crypto and Blockchain

Crypto Koala an Australian Youtuber who Interviews CEO's, Developers and Founders of upcoming and existing Crypto projects.

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