Ethereum user paid a record $ 2.6 million for sending $ 134

By Kluma | InterestingCrypto | 10 Jun 2020


According to the Etherscan blockchain browser , a certain participant in the second-largest cryptocurrency capitalization network paid SharkPool mining pool 10 668 ETH (~ $ 2.6 million) as a commission for a transaction of 0.55 ETH ($ 133.71).

The Ethereum network recorded a new maximum for commissions paid per day at around 534.24 ETH. The previous record was recorded during the market fall on March 13 - then the figure was 347.55 ETH.


Given 6000 transactions in just four days after creating an account, TrustNodes experts  doubted that some user was the owner. Such activity is not typical for most ecosystem participants.

They hypothesized that the address is controlled by a bot that is not involved in conjunction with the exchange’s hot wallet. Even after a transaction that caused a commotion, with a commission of 10.7 thousand ETH, 46 thousand ETH (more than $ 11 million) remain on his balance sheet.

In the last hours, the wallet sent transactions every minute with fees already less than $ 1. It is entirely possible that this was not intent, but simply an oversight, the so-called “ fat finger error ”.

Other versions do not exclude the possibility that the wallet is associated with a certain decentralized application, however, there are no clues to this in the transaction description. Until recently, actively replenished thanks to regular transactions.

There are no obvious conclusions regarding the recipient address of these 0.55 ETH. Now it is empty, and funds are transferred to other wallets, and this happens automatically every time. The publication believes that its owner is not necessarily the Bithumb exchange, which appears in the description. This may be a hacker address masquerading as a cryptocurrency platform, or some bot that instantly transfers funds to this site.

TrustNodes does not rule out that this could also be related to the ongoing investigation by the Chinese authorities against clients of an unnamed OTC market maker who was convicted of breaking the law.

According to ETH Gas Station , the average transaction fee currently does not exceed $ 0.2.

Recall that last year Spark Pool froze a mysterious payment with a commission of 2100 ETH (at that time it was the equivalent of $ 300,000). After determining the sender of the South Korean blockchain firm, the pool agreed to return half of the commission received.

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