If you think you have found the next get rich quick scheme and you are not already rich from it, then you are too late.
I have been "interested" in crypto since about 2016, when a company I worked with had a backroom In their warehouse that was full of computers mining Bitcoin. A co-worker and I were discussing this and he was looking into getting into it himself. This co-worker already ran a successful side-business with a partner, so it is not like he was all talk, but, when it came to crypto mining, he was in the research phase. I myself was in the "I don't have the initiative to pull this off phase."
I tell this story because looking back years later, the co-worker just kept researching and never pulled the trigger, I didn't actually get involved or buy crypto for another two years. The owner of the company (who was already a millionaire) that was mining is now a lot richer than he already was.
My lesson that I have learned is that you can build wealth and even have some great returns and enjoy yourself in investing and crypto and all kinds of things, but, if you plan to get rich quick quick, you better be the holder of better and newer information than everyone else. That is a rarity we don't just come across reading articles on the internet. In most cases when we look to make money quicker than we should, we end up funding the bank accounts of those ahead of us.
There is the risk factor to getting rich quick. Even with better information, you still have to risk to make the big returns. Take for example my move into DOGE. I was slightly ahead of the curve and bought earlier than most. I am not bragging, because my initial purchase was a whopping ten dollars. Yep, I turned it into 500, not a bad return, alas I did not get rich quick because I took no real risk with only ten dollars. If I would have take a real risk, of say 25,000 dollars, it would have been a life changing event.
So, if you are looking for the next big thing to get rich quick on in crypto by reading Publish0x, you (along with the rest of us,) unfortunately, are too late. If you are looking for some opportunities to be better off tomorrow than you are today, then keep reading and learning.