Crypto, Crypto, Crypto (Just Kidding, More Holiday Stuff)

Time to revisit my love of words.  You would think I would have a lot less errors in my article as much as I enjoy the English language. Christmas always reminds me of my search for one word oxymorons, essentially a word that contradicts itself. I was stuck on indescribable for the longest time. Saying that something can't be described, is in fact describing it.

There are others out there, such as bittersweet, and apparently if you speak Greek, Sophomore means both wise and foolish. I kinda think compounds words are cheating and most of the one word oxymorons are two words put together. (Oxymoron itself is an oxymoron, the word was created by combining two words meaning keen/sharp and foolish.)

So why does Christmas bring me back to this idea of single words that seem to be an argument with themselves. Well, it is because my favorite single word oxymoron is a Christmas word. Now if you want to take a minute to think about it and try and figure out which word I am thinking about, I'll give you a minute. 











(Did you sing those in your head?)

Did you figure it out? It is Noel. (Read "No L," but there is an L in the word.) Let me know if have any others that you can think of.

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I am an American aquarium drinker. I assassin down the avenue. I'm hiding out in the big city blinking. What was I thinking when I let go of you?

Interesting Thoughts, That Aren't Always Mine
Interesting Thoughts, That Aren't Always Mine

Just tidbits and info about whatever comes to my mind.

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