Christmas Math and The Unjust Treatment of Santa (NO CRYPTO TALK DECEMBER)

As Christmas approaches, I thought I would revisit and update an old post for my 8 new followers I got this year. Plus, no one reads posts not related to finance or crypto on here, so these upcoming Christmas posts are basically for myself.

Has anyone ever thought about the pure hell we put this Santa Clause guy through every year? I've run the math and it isn't pretty. So, the basic explanation of Christmas night is that Santa uses magic to be able to visit every house and deliver his stash of goodies.  I get that, it all appears to happen in one night from our standpoint, but, here is where I start to have some issues.   

If he is at each house for just five minutes, and that is including travel time,  he would spend almost 1000 thousand years of his time to visit each kid across the globe.  And, don't give me that it is still magic that lets him do it faster, there have been to many sightings by parents and kids sneaking around at night that confirm he is in our real time at each individual house.  I mean, they see him eat the cookies and take his sweet time. He is a big man, he is not moving at fast pace.  Just to be upfront, I have never seen the man, I am just going by the stories.

So while we sleep through one night without a care in the world waiting to wake up to all kinds of presents, this poor man we call Santa has spent a millennia in his time dropping off gifts without a break, and then goes right back to work making more stuff when he gets home to the North Pole. Think of the mental stress of living a a thousand years in one night and having to do it over and over each year. We owe this guy some time off. No wonder there are so many movies about people having to take over for Santa because he can't do the job.  I would be faking injuries myself if I was him.

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