Probably its nothing new for you, if i tell you that there are thousands of altcoins in the crypto space. Thousands of projects with ambitious goals.
Most of the coins performed so bad, that most of the investors are currently sitting on huge losses. Unfortunately this isn't caused by a general market trend...there is a good reason for this bad performance:
People lost faith in altcoins, because most projects from 2017 promised breathtaking goals an great milestones. Most of them even have not reached the first steps of their goals yet. Sure, developing technology is not easy, prevailing in a market even harder.
But by now, the end of 2019, it is clear that many projects will probably never reach their goals.
However, in order not to become too negative, there are some exceptions. Exceptions that show that altcoins can have their legitimacy and that the projects can lead to great products and technologies.
In my opinion, one of the best examples is the Basic Attention Token and the Brave Browser:
A web browser that really protects your privacy.
Here are some features that make the browser a must and give BAT a true reason to exist:
- Disable the tracking of websites, you can decide for each website, whether you want to prevent tracking.
- Integrated ad blocker.
- If you want to have even more privacy, you can use the TOR network with the brave browser
- Of course you can download Brave for IOS, Android and Windows. Equip all your devices.
- If you want to see ads, you can enable ads which doesn't track you.
- Brave is based on chromium, the open source project on which Google Chrome was built.
So all browser extension which work with Google Chrome will work with Brave too. - If you decide to enable advertising, you will receive compensation for every advertisement in BAT.
- If you are a publisher on twitter, reddit, youtube, wordpress, etc., you can become a verified brave publisher.
- If you are a verified publisher, your fans can tip you the BAT they earned through viewing ads.
- Soon you will be able to withdraw the funds, you earned through ads, even if you are not a publisher.
You can sell you BAT on any third party exchange then.
The goals of the Brave team are great:
Develop a browser which protects the user privacy, reward users for viewing ads and support smaller content publishers.
So far they have already fulfilled these goals very well. But of course this won't be the end.
The user base of Brave is steadily growing and the team is working hard to develop new features for their product.
I know, I'm just talking positively about this project. That is why I would like to go into a point which urgently needs to be improved:
If you invest in BAT or earned a few BAT by viewing ads, you will recognize that currently there are not that many reasons to hold you tokens.
Of course you can hold your BAT because of speculation, because you think that the brave project will be even more successful in the future.
But for this reason you could hold any altcoin, holding a token out of pure speculation is not enough to steadily increase the value.
So the brave team has to create an additional use case for BAT, which makes it really worth holding the tokens for a long period.
In my opinion, this will be the next huge task for this great team of Brave and BAT.
I hope you enjoyed reading my opinion about this project. Thanks for reading and keep brave!