N. Morgan: 12 High-Priority Actions If Central Banks Collapse


N. Morgan offers a good plan for maintaining social order in your home and community, in case of all out environmental or People produced collapse of the current central bank economic system system of dependence.

Natural Social Order - Constitution Toolkit

To prepare our treasured readers and fellow empaths for all transitions, IRUUR1, advances tools for social order under natural law.

N. Morgan is an outlier cell in the organism of our species social order. She is instinctive in her understanding of nature and the unnatural alignment of our present social structure. She is acting on the need for those parts of humanity who realize this as well, to become more self sufficient, and network for greater influence in the social order. She offers 12 great tools, 12 High-Priority Action Items.

The Nature of Global Banking, and Centralized State Authority

The central banking system is held together now only by increasing forced compliance, and dependence around the world, to a social economic order, based on symbolic ideology, oriented culture and commerce, to protect society from the vagaries of nature. The need for complete conformity without variance within the system is antithetical to the requirement of nature for variety, needed to sustain in nature.

In order for nature to enforce this variety, everything in it, when taken to the extreme turns into it's opposite. In nature, ultimate control and conformity of structure in an organism is an extreme impossible position to sustain, because the universe is incalculably vast. interactive and very difficult to predict. Individuals in our species, function similarly in many respects to individual cells in an organism. A healthy organism contains an ever evolving ratio between consensus and outlier cells. When nature produces a phenomenon which works against consensus, there are plenty of outlier cells ready to form new consensus to deal with the problem.

In a healthy organism, outlier cells go about their business forming, unpredictable at times, functionality with other outlier, and consensus cells. So over time, that which works in the outlier functions, often gains  a foot hold in consensus, and a new evolving consensus emerges. When this natural interaction is disrupted internally it weakens the organism.

N. Morgan

I Am A Loner. Without Me You Will All Die; Princeton Study


Hey Loner, you are not alone in nature and are in fact, the very essence of identity in nature. So assert your importance now, because after all, here you are. And given the fact that our new banking government of the U.S., will require increased population conformity for global political, and economic control, you may be …

Election 2020 is a Transitional, Political Nexus

The central banking forces will attempt to disrupt and invalidate all or parts of this election by any means possible. Should the People lose their Constitutional authority in this process, N. Morgan outlines the means not only to carry on, but to fearlessly demand our natural rights without fear of suffering due to the need to disconnect as required, from the corrupted system.

Because an extreme desire for ultimate control is so prevalent among the powerful and is now desperately and hastily being forced on the People, the natural result, if continued, will be chaos and great loss. The people who want this control understand this. It is a part of their ideology. From the chaos they will produce an authoritarian order to quell disturbance. They are trying to get in front of a natural disaster. Experts on the environment are conflicted but agree, almost to an academic paper, that we are facing a great, existential cooling or warming trend.

Whether or not this is true, central planning believes it is true, and you better believe they believe it is true and are acting on that assumption now. Whether true or not, variety, possible from free interaction among strong individuals will produce the framework necessary for any transition, political and environmental. These N. Morgan 12 high priority items, are useful when maintained, either casually in times of plenty, or as a foundational reinforcement in times of transition. They are generational and evolutionary when applied to the whole of society in the course of a persons life, as needed.

by Author, N.Morgan  - Highlights

N. Morgan shares on Minds.com - Part of the Great Alternative Media Migration

The majority of people have no clue about how severe the chaos that’s coming. Just as we are right now living through a “bioweapons Pearl Harbor” attack on the United States with a deadly pathogenic virus, we are all about to live through a global debt collapse and a financial reset that no living person on the planet right now has ever witnessed.

Odds are very high that a global war will escalate into all-out cyberwar, financial warfare and possibly even regional nuclear war. Food scarcity will become commonplace, even in the USA, and most people will see their entire life savings — including retirement IOUs — wiped out virtually overnight.

The upshot is that the world we know will be consumed by mass poverty, homelessness, starvation, and despair. Very few people will be properly positioned to survive this multi-layered collapse, and most will be destroyed by it because they held the wrong beliefs.

They believed in the “full faith and credit” of the United States government, for example, which is a foolish, almost suicidal belief to hold. They believed the falsehood that currency is money, so they incorrectly assumed the dollar would be a store of value rather have also believed a vaccine would save them from the coronavirus — another foolish belief that will likely end in...read article for more.

1. Start growing food in order to move toward food self-reliance. This can include raising backyard chickens. I recently hatched

2. Reduce or eliminate all exposure to banks and fiat currency. Fiat currencies will fail, likely through hyperinflation. Banks will collapse, bonds will...

3. Use nutrition to boost immune function and enhance your defenses. Multiple waves of genetically engineered bioweapons are likely headed our way. Only those who...

4. Leave the city and move to a rural area before chaos comes. The cities will be the hardest hit for all the obvious reasons. When the food stamps crater (see #2, above), many cities will collapse into riots and...

READ ALL OF THE GREAT - 12 High-Priority Action Items You Need To Be Pursuing Right Now If You Hope To Survive The Chaos That’s Coming (Videos) | Survival | Before It’s News


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Sheriff Richard Mack us the head of the CSPOA. A strong advocate of the Rosa Parks brand of civil rights law enforcement protection, he is noted for winning a law enforcement civil rights case, before the Supreme Court in 1994. Sheriff Richard Mack: Defending Liberty; Ultimate Duty Of Government The governors of states like New …

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