Webtalk is a new social media platform just like cent they're on their Beta phase. Currently they only accept invite only members. Unlike Cent where it's very easy to get into. Most of the Webtalk members are in the M and C Level. Managerial and Corporate this is because the sign up option once invited is using Linkedin.
The site wanted to deliver the combination feature of Facebook and LinkedIn. You can also earned money in there just like Cent.
Please click here for more info https://patents.google.com/patent/US20170103134A1/en
Their vision unlike facebook is to share the income with the members.They offer a better organization in terms of our contacts for both personal and professional. Webtalk founders's vision is to share up to 50% of the revenue with the members just like affiliate marketing. As of the moment on Beta phase they offer 10% of the revenue generated by 5 levels of their referral network for LIFE.
The new members that will join after Beta is closed will only receive 10% on their direct referrals. So join Webtalk while they're still on Beta Version.
Again Webtalk has "INVITE ONLY POLICY", no gatecrashers.Now at Beta testing phase, you have to be invited to the platform by one of the current members. Luckily for you I am a member. And I will gladly invite you to join us in Webtalk if you willingly want to.
There is Litterally no money to lose when joining Webtalk , it's FREE. There is no requirement to provide any sensitive personal information like a bank account or a credit card.
For now there's no payout withdrawal available yet but as the founders envision they will soon have that option.
As soon as the Beta testing is completed, Webtalk will start paying.
It's a good place to promote CENT also.
If you are interested to join, better do it now, to get 5 levels of referrals.
Original Content.
@PajeeBear at Cent.co is one and the same @PajeeBear at Publish0x