Type and Earn - Legit Direct Pay

By Pajeebear | Hidden Gem | 24 Feb 2020

Anyway since then I have been looking for other ways to earn few cryptos now that faucethub is close. In my search for new venture I discovered one legit web for earning XRP and will be transferred directly to your wallet address when you withdraw.

What to do?

  1. Enrol to the site.
  2. Add your XRP wallet address.
  3. Type Captcha

    - Captcha's are not case sensitive so you can type it in all in capital letters or lowercase.

    - Captcha is worth 20 drops.

  4. Log in daily and you will receive free 200 drops everyday.

  5. Withdraw your coins.

- You can withdraw your coins minimum of 300 drops.

: :

This is very easy to earn. No KYC needed.Direct payment to your XRP wallet.

Sign up here.

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