Pajeebear Shares - Here is The BREAK You Have Been Waiting For

By Pajeebear | Hidden Gem | 24 Oct 2020

Remember when I talked about the gold trading opportunity?

Well this is it !!!  Yes I mean this is it !!! Read on.

I have been using this platform for months now. I am not an endorser nor am I paid for promoting this one. But I speak from experience. There’s a referral option but I am not gonna use links or any of that. I’m only interested in sharing my thoughts and insight. So let’s do this together. Alright.

There are several reasons I love this site. First the sign up approval takes 24 hours only. And once approved you can now trade online using laptop or even mobile phones using the app. They have been around for 10 years. That is a very long way to be still up and running. There are several cash in and cash out options and one thing I like the most is the integration of cryptocurrency in the process. Personally I use XRP when doing cash in and cash out transactions, it’s very quick, especially for the cash investment, it only takes 3 minutes for me to do it. 


But the one thing that gets me excited using this platform is the bonus and prices. In fact I have used and have profited using the bonus itself. It’s not much. Just a 30 dollar start up signing bonus. But who gives that kind of legit money nowadays? I mean there are those who promise to give you this and that but there is still the question of whether it’s true or not. This platform though is a guaranteed bonus. I got mine in just 24 hours after I got my trading account approved. And that’s how I started trading Gold. I used it as my start up. Here take a look.


It’s an easy 30 dollar surprise. However, legitimate ventures need legitimate papers. There are two requirements to get verified. It’s almost as if you are doing KYC. One is a valid ID and the second one is proof of residency. 


Now the question is what platform am I talking about? There are so many trading platforms these days. Some even use catchy phrases to get you to sign up. But I’m not an endorser so I’m not gonna do that. I am simply trying to help you start up your trading journey, so we can travel together. If only someone did it for me a long time ago like 2007, man I’d be hefty with cash right now. But it’s not too late to learn trading. Join me in my journey!!! 


This is the XM platform. Go now to their website just type in , hit the start with 30 dollar free and use it to start up your real trading account online.


Good times right?


Chat support is always open 24 hours a day so if you have further questions about it. I guess it’s best to talk to their account experts.

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