Earn PIB At Pibble - Better Than Instagram In Terms Of Monetary Reward

By Pajeebear | Hidden Gem | 29 Aug 2019


Pibble is a famous Asian version of Instagram.

And it's not just for Asians its also available globally. PIB is a cryptocurrency ERC base on Etherium.

It's pretty much like IG. You post photos and you earn rewards by the likes. Here with Publish0x we use tips from pool to incentivize a content creator. At Pibble, people call it "brush". The thing is you basically earn points too that you can use to brush other content creators when you level up.

PIB is already available for trade.

Pros - It pays. Period

Cons - Highly Asian, most post are in Korean "Hangul" language.

But it does pays. And that's what most of us are looking for when we take picture and post it. Sign up now and use my referral link. I will get 300 PIB if you do use my referral. That would be something. :)


Invite ID : PajeeBear





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@PajeeBear at Cent.co is one and the same @PajeeBear at Publish0x

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