Do You Need a handy crypto and fiat online wallet?
Use The very first online wallet approved by Central Bank of the Philippines and the Securities Exchange Commission.
The wallet is available for both Philippine Residents and Foreigners.
You can simply download the wallet app in playstore or you can just use the website.
Foreign users can use their passport as valid ID. Verification include email and phone verification. A selfie with the valid ID and the photo of the said Valid ID. (Ex. Passport)
Once your done with the verification. You will be able to use your wallet. There are also several option to cash out and cash in money. You can convert fiat to cryptocurrency of your choice. Example Peso to ETH or Peso to BTC. Even vice versa linke BTC to Peso or ETH to Peso.
It is has the simpliest way to convert Fiat Philippine Peso to BTC, BCH, XRP, ETH and vice versa at no cost (extra fee). You can also pay bills online or even buy airline ticket.
Interested in storing money abroad? This is the right time, this is the right post.
Use my referral code and we will both get 50 pesos or 1 dollar.
Or simply click this link below.
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@PajeeBear at is one and the same @PajeeBear at Publish0x