BuzzBREAK - Legit Earning App, Reading News and ETC.

By Pajeebear | Hidden Gem | 13 Dec 2019

Who here wants a legit paying mobile application?

Let me get this straight. This will not make you rich. However this is one of the best way to kill time.




What to Do?

Download BuzzBreakApp in Playstore or Google Play.

Create and account. Buzzbreak

How to earn?

  1. Read News.

  2. Check In app Daily.

  3. Refer Friends

  4. Tap Gift Every Minute

  5. Play Mobile Game

  6. Answer Survey

  7. Watch 30 second Advertisement every 30 minutes.

How to withdraw earned cash?

  1. Go to wallet.

  2. Select Cash out.

  3. You can cash out thru Paypal or Gcash

*Low Minimum Withdrawal Amount. For as low as $0.02

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