Incent CEO Rob Wilson on the Osher Günsburg podcast

By Incent | Incent Loyalty | 26 Jul 2019

To coincide with Incent’s launch, Rob spent over an hour discussing Incent, bitcoin, Facebook, Libra and much else besides on this popular Australian podcast.

Earlier this week, Rob was a guest on one of Australia’s most popular and well-respected podcasts – giving him a chance to explain the background to Incent and the cryptocurrency phenomenon to thousands of listeners. In an episode of the Osher Günsburg podcast titled, What’s the big deal about Facebook launching a cryptocurrency, Rob and Osher teased out the vision behind Incent, the problems it’s designed to fix, and what’s going on in the wider financial and technological worlds.

About Osher

Osher Günsberg is a well-known Australian radio and TV presenter who rose to fame when he co-hosted Australian Idol, before going on to host The Bachelor Australia and two spin-offs, The Bachelorette and Bachelor in Paradise. He’s been active on radio for 25 years (starting when he was 20), working on various national Australian shows and the occasional American one too. Osher is also an active writer, photographer and podcaster – which is where he caught up with Rob.

What’s great is that Osher has already grasped the crypto phenomenon, and didn’t need to be walked through it from scratch. Like so many others, he had seen bitcoin early on (2011 in his case) and decided to buy it. Unfortunately – again like so many others – he’d found the process too difficult at the time, and forgot about it for a few more years.

The journey to Incent

In the course of over an hour, Rob and Osher chat about where Incent has come from and what it intends to achieve. Inevitably this includes the context of the Global Financial Crisis and the rise of Bitcoin and blockchain technology. This, in turn, entails discussion of Rob’s own first career in the British Navy, culminating in command of HMS Somerset. It was in 2008 that Rob realised that the efforts to tackle the financial crisis amounted to ‘tinkering with the deck chairs on the Titanic’, and that it was time to change direction and go back to school (which included a second career as a forex trader). Bitcoin came in 2012, after the family’s move to Australia, and the launch of BitScan – the forerunner to Incent, a merchant directory designed to spur bitcoin adoption. 

No discussion of crypto at the moment would be complete without mention of Libra, and the two spend some time teasing out the potential implications of Facebook’s latest move. We are living in a time in which the power of the state is butting up against the clout of big tech corporations as never before, with consequences we cannot yet know – not just for blockchain and Facebook but for consumer privacy and for the US dollar itself.

All in all, this was great exposure for Incent and a great primer for anyone looking to get a handle on some of the key issues of the space in which we’re operating. You can listen to the full podcast here, and find out more about Osher’s work on Instagram , Facebook and Twitter.

With the launch of Incent’s platform, consumers can access rewards in INCNT tokens on every spend they make. To find out more, visit

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Incent Loyalty

Incent is a blockchain rewards system that enables mainstream consumers to save and build wealth through crypto - on every spend they make.

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