In Bitcoin We Trust
In Bitcoin We Trust

In Bitcoin We Trust

In Bitcoin We Trust is a place where Bitcoin believers share their ideas about the upcoming revolution. Blockchain and cryptocurrencies are also covered in this publication.

The Number of Addresses Holding at Least $1 Million in BTC Tripled in 2023 From 23,795 to 81,717.

14 Nov 2023 1 minute read 2 comments ssaurel

As you know, the Bitcoin network is pseudonymous. We cannot know what each user owns in BTC. Indeed, a user can have as many addresses as he wishes. On the other hand, we can know precisely what each address holds in BTC. We are therefore frequently...

No matter what price level you enter the world of Bitcoin at, you will always feel like you missed the bus.

13 Nov 2023 1 minute read 1 comment ssaurel

Bitcoin teaches you one essential thing. No matter what price level you enter the world of Bitcoin at, you will always feel like you missed the bus. Look at the screenshot of this message from a Bitcoin forum user from July 2010: "I have only 600 bi...

Bitcoin Price ATH in Nov. 2021. Bottom of the Bear Market in Nov. 2022. What Do You Expect for the Bitcoin Price in November 2024?

12 Nov 2023 1 minute read 8 comments ssaurel

After reaching an annual high over 2023 on November 9, 2023, at $37,926, the Bitcoin price closed the next two days above $37K: $37.3K on November 10, 2023, and $37.1K on November 11, 2023. As I write these lines, the price of Bitcoin is still above...

Some are still wondering how they will have to act when the price of Bitcoin breaks its November 2021 ATH. It's quite simple ...

11 Nov 2023 1 minute read 2 comments ssaurel

If you see Bitcoin only as a financial investment, you will react differently from those who see Bitcoin as an alternative to the current system. If you view Bitcoin purely as a financial investment, you will be looking to get out of it at the next p...

The 3 Fundamental Philosophical Differences Between Bitcoin and the U.S. Dollar.

7 Nov 2023 2 minute read 3 comments ssaurel

Contrary to what many people believe, the current monetary and financial system is very recent. This experiment, unilaterally decided by Richard Nixon in August 1971, has celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2021. The current system is therefore relati...

Chinese-Style Social Credit System Is Getting Closer to Western Countries – Bitcoin Is Your Way Out

6 Nov 2023 3 minute read 1 comment ssaurel

The name NatWest may mean nothing to you if you don't live in Europe, or more precisely in the UK. However, NatWest, better known by its full name of National Westminster Bank, is a major retail commercial bank in the UK. If NatWest has been in the n...

Take the Time to Analyze Who’s for and Who’s Against Bitcoin, Then You’ll Understand Why Bitcoin Is on the Side of Freedom

3 Nov 2023 4 minute read 17 comments ssaurel

Bitcoin is Freedom. You've read this many times before. It's something I frequently repeat myself. Bitcoin is freedom. Freedom of expression, because no one can confiscate your Bitcoin for arbitrary reasons. Freedom of action, because no one can cens...

Beware of So-Called Bitcoiners Who Claim Victory With the Return of Bitcoin Above $30K.

27 Oct 2023 1 minute read 2 comments ssaurel

Don't be like some so-called Bitcoiners who are claiming victory after seeing Bitcoin break through $35K again in recent days. In recent days, the Bitcoin market has gone from fear to greed. The reason? The fact that SEC approval of a Bitcoin Spot ET...

Bitcoin, Financial Freedom, and Retirement: The Great Misconception to Debunk

26 Oct 2023 3 minute read 4 comments ssaurel

Bitcoin is synonymous with freedom. I often put this idea forward in my writings. Financial freedom, freedom of expression, freedom to act. Once you have the private keys to your Bitcoin, no one can censor you. You're the only one in control of your...

Myth Buster: No, Bitcoin Wealth Is Not Ultra-Concentrated

22 Oct 2023 3 minute read 1 comment ssaurel

Beyond the lies about Bitcoin's allegedly disastrous environmental impact, one criticism against Bitcoin often comes up: that it's too concentrated and in the hands of a minority of people. Fidelity did a remarkable job in September 2023 with its res...