The Hijacking of the Bitcoin Revolution Continues With the Complicity of Michael J. Saylor

By ssaurel | In Bitcoin We Trust | 19 Sep 2024

Michael J. Saylor is seen as a role model in the Bitcoin world with the bold strategy he has been following with MicroStrategy since August 2020.

There's no doubt that Michael J. Saylor has done much evangelizing in favor of Bitcoin and its adoption by companies in the United States as a treasury primary reserve.

However, it now seems to me that Michael J. Saylor has lost his way on the road to the Bitcoin revolution.

Apart from accumulating ever more BTC by taking advantage of flaws in the current system, what does MicroStrategy build/create?

How is MicroStrategy putting its thousands of BTC into action in support of the Bitcoin revolution?

How is MicroStrategy using its thousands of BTC to support the creation of a circular economy based on the Bitcoin system?

MicroStrategy holds nearly 245K BTC. That's huge, but what's it good for?


Michael J. Saylor says Bitcoin as a MoE is a distraction. Michael J. Saylor only promotes Bitcoin as a simple SoV integrated into the current system. Michael J. Saylor hasn't even bothered to manage his Bitcoin's private keys himself.

And yet, for more than 4 years, MicroStrategy could have decided to show how to secure its Bitcoin rather than delegating this to Coinbase, like most financial institutions. BlackRock is doing the same, of course, because they don't care about the liberating power of the Bitcoin revolution.

The only thing these players care about is the profit they can make from Bitcoin in weak money!

Is this the model you want to protect the future of the Bitcoin revolution?

Michael J. Saylor seems to me to be the perfect accomplice of BlackRock and the other financial giants who want to take control of Bitcoin to marginalize its revolution by integrating it into the current system.

It's quite terrifying to realize that we've gone from Satoshi Nakamoto and the Cypherpunks movement, who wanted to create an alternative system to the American dollar system, to Michael J. Saylor and Co. who only want one thing: to integrate Bitcoin into the current system to obtain maximum profit.

This is a major risk for the future of the Bitcoin revolution since its interest is not to end up controlled by Wall Street, but to remain at the service of those who need it most, all over the world.

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ssaurel Verified Member

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