Hotel Utica now known as Double Tree hotel

My City -- Utica, N.Y. a different perspective look

By GaryH369 | Images By Gary Holyoke | 21 Feb 2020

Utica is a small city which in its own rights should be called a HUB it is located between two larger cities but more of a transfer city. The area used to be more of an industrial area. It has a lot to offer for education and the arts. 



A good walk threw the downtown area will bring you to a few mom and pop type businesses and eateries. The city is formally known as sin city for its corruption, but that could be false because of its banking district. Pictured is our Gold Dome Bank.



Some of the architecture dates back to the early 1800s and mid-1800s. It is a complicated city to wander around. Life sometimes gets hard to find in the city is on a downfall now due to the fact of a corrupt hospital system that thinks it can take care of people by being able to supply for them without working to supply hope for the people.



Within the lower part of the city is Baggs Square which is where the Federal building and train station is located. The inside of the train station has nice marble pillars that are in a beautiful waiting area.


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Images By Gary Holyoke
Images By Gary Holyoke

Images By Gary Holyoke is my baby hobby project. I have been publishing many photographs on several websites and have many awards on other websites. Later on, through time I will be publishing more blogs on different techniques of my photography that I have self-taught myself. Another site my photography is on is that site you can tip also as seeds or receive tips on your comments.

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