(JaiChai) Hyperion and Endymion Fan Art

[Please Note:

All my images are created on my cheap smartphone and free Android apps.]

Some Fan Art from Dan Simmon's Sci-Fi classics:"Hyperion and Endymion".  

Me as "Fedmahn Kassad.






As Het Masteen.






As A.Betik.






And finally, as Sol Weintraub.



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These creations will be signed, minted NFTs NLT Q1 2022.

May you and yours be well and loving life today.

In Lak'ech, JaiChai.




(JaiChai 10 NOV 2021. Simultaneous multi-site submissions posted. All rights reserved.)

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I'm a single papa actively enjoying my varied passions (e.g., Writing, Disruptive Technology, Cryptocurrency, plus more hobbies too bizarre for most folk). I live on an island paradise with my teenage daughter, longtime girlfriend and three dogs.

(IJCH) Blockchain and Cryptos
(IJCH) Blockchain and Cryptos

IJCH - Inside JaiChai's Head (Meaning: My Warped, Personal Opinions and Musings on Blockchain and Cryptos)

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