The Stone Tape Theory

By iconDARK | iconDARK | 8 Apr 2019


The title is a reference to the theory that inanimate materials... like stone... can absorb, retain, and release energy from living beings. Human activity, particularly that with a high emotional content, can be "recorded" and played back, giving rise to reports of ghosts and other supernatural phenomena. What any of that has to do with this song.... I have no idea. There is at least one remix already in the works...

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More about iconDARK

`I like what I like; I make what I make.` 

My electronic instrumentals range from eerie dark ambient to rock-influenced electronica to bass-heavy breakbeat. I refuse to limit myself to just one subgenre. The one unifying thread throughout my work stems from my lifelong love of imaginative fiction, horror movies, and tales of the paranormal… all of which make their way into the titles and themes of my music.

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Atlanta, GA-based producer of dark electronic and dark ambient music.


iconDARK's music

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