There I was, I had just finished High School and had a part time job at a restaurant. I had a girlfriend at the time and one day she had two of her best friends over at her house.
It was the weekend and so we all just hung out. They had water guns at the house for some reason and they started spraying water at me. They would aim at my front side and at my butt so I would do the same and would take the water guns away from them and aim at their butts. It was a fun time.
but it started getting late and was around 4 pm and I remember wanting to see the new batman movie called "The Dark Knight Rises" so I asked them hey do you guys wanna go see the new batman movie? I remember offering to pay for them especially because I had some movie tickets I had won somewhere as well so they agreed and we went from her house over to the movie theatre which wasnt far at all, that movie was amazing, it was more the experience than the movie itself because we all sat in the same row and the theatre was packed with people.
Every once in a while we would glance at each other, now let me say this beforehand her friends were really pretty, beautiful actually but anyway, after the movie we went back to her house and we were kinda hungry so I said you guys wanna order some pizza? They were in the mood for pizza which was great because thats like the best type of food to get after going to the movies or during but anyway me and one of her friends lets say her name is " Sarah" went over to Pizza Hut and grabbed a few pizzas, we talked to each other and got to know each other a little better, but anyway we went back to my girlfriends house and we all had some pizza, we even offered her mom some pizza but she fell asleep in the other room. So there we were all three girls and me sitting in my girlfriends living room, feeding each other pizza and smothering tomato sauce on each others face playfully.
Eventually it got to around 9pm and thats when Id usually leave because her mom didnt like anyone being over the house after 9pm. But this time her mom didnt come out of her room so my girlfriend just said lets all sleep in my room, and me being me thought why not? and so we all entered my girlfriends room. Her bed was definitely not big enough to fit all of us. So I said Ill sleep on the floor, I think they layed out a few blankets for me and then they fit themselves onto the small bed. I dont remember if I was able to sleep that night but It was definitely a good time.
Check out my crypto song and share it with your friends if you want