Man on Motorcycle

Motivation for Everyone

By Me and I | The red and dark | 29 Oct 2023

 We all have a dark side to us. You may think you dont but you do. Whether it be lust, addiction, revenge or malice. Its within you. The best way to let go of it, is to express it. It is best not to suppress your negative emotions. Some people scream into their pillow, some people cry, some people go for a run. There is no best way of letting go of your negative emotions. Release it and express it in a way, and maybe you will help others along the way. That being said I just recorded my 5th song. Is it dark? Yes, but its my way of expressing emotions. I didnt know how to write, rap, make videos or keep a rythm a year ago but Ive slowly learned and created something out of nothing. Even if you dont like this type of music I hope it inspires you in some way and helps you realize that even slow progress, is progress. Keep doing what you're doing crypto fam.

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Me and I
Me and I

Lets shake it up a bit.

The red and dark
The red and dark

The red and dark, things are red, things are dark.

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