Be her friend. For example if youre out with a girl and she wants to invite her friend too, then let it happen. Once you are all together get to know her friend, ask her a few questions here and there. This works even faster if all of you are buzzed or drunk. Once youve gotten to know her a bit. You have to get her sexually excited. This is my story...
One of my BAE's(Kathy) texted me and asked me if I wanted to hang out. I said sure what are we gonna do. She said " Well my friend is gonna be there too and I have a jacuzzi at my house" I said ok yeah Ill see if I can bring a friend too. We agreed and I then texted my friend(Dylan) and asked him" Whatsup man wanna go hang out with some girls?" and explained the situation to him. He immediately agreed without having to do much explanation. My friend Kathy came to my house in her car and picked both of us up.
My friend and I took a bottle of Fireball Whiskey with us and had planned to drink it in the jacuzzi. When we got to Kathy's house she introduced us to her friend. Her friend was cute but she was eating a cake for some reason when we got there but we eventually made small talk and we all got in the jacuzzi. My friend pulled out the Fireball out of his backpack and we agreed to pass it around in a circle and each time it would get passed to us we would take a sip. We also had some soda to chase it down with so it was kinda of tasty.
After some time, Kathy and I got out of the Jacuzzi and I started changing my clothes in one of her closets, she came in and I was flirty with her. She flirted back and it led to her getting on her knees and going down on me. It was only for a few seconds and then I told her ok um lets do this but lets be just us two she agreed but she said her friend was sleeping over, I said "ok" and we both got out of the closet and went out to the jacuzzi and we found my friend kissing her friend in the jacuzzi and they sort of jumped and were startled when they saw us. She told my friend "ok we have to drop you guys off already its getting late", we then all got dryed up and hopped in her car. My friend and her friend sat in the backseat. We eventually dropped my friend Dylan off at his house and then she asked me "so were going back to my house right, I said" yeah" and while we were heading back to her house we stopped at a red light. I said something flirty insinuating to her to pull my zipper down. She pulled my zipper down , grabbed me and then did her thing. It only lasted a few seconds before the light turned green. When that happened I looked toward the backseat and her drunk friend immediatley looked somewhere as if she hadnt seen what had just happened.
When we got to her house we all agreed that I would sleep on one side of the bed and they would sleep on the other side but when we layed down, Kathy got up out of the bed to sit somewhere closer to the TV. While she was watching TV, it was just me and her friend laying down in bed. Her friend had braces so I commented on her braces, our faces were close to each other and I said what would you do if I kissed them and looked at her in the eye, she looked back wide eyed and I went for this kiss, we eventually started full on making out and it eventually got to touching, we were being quiet while Kathy had her back to us watching TV. Me and her friend eventually start having sex. After sometime we started going to sleep, I was on the other side of the bed and kathy started to kick me gently with her foot, I would respond by kicking back gently too and eventually I thought ok shes calling me over and I went over to her side of the bed while her friend was sleeping. Kathy and I started whispering to each other flirting and then we got close, very very close and intimate.

How to have a Threesome on New Years Day (Menage e trois)
By Me and I | The red and dark | 31 Dec 2023
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Me and I
Lets shake it up a bit.

The red and dark
The red and dark, things are red, things are dark.

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