We have some along came polly memes, which is one of the funnniest movies ever, we also have some superbad memes, can never go wrong with superbad. On top of that we have good old mc lovin memes. Dumb and dumber is also on this list and its a must see comedy everyone should watch at one point in their lives.
If you want to give my crypto song a listen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQ95aQIocyM
link to my NFT's: https://opensea.io/0xd704DEb43FD19251d903b56f71b403A8BDB20BC4

Crypto MEMES of the day, May 8th, 2023
By Me and I | The red and dark | 8 May 2023
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Me and I
Lets shake it up a bit.

The red and dark
The red and dark, things are red, things are dark.

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