I will tell YOU the truth! I won't lie and say that everyone can write a BEAUTIFUL article! No, not everyone! But, practice makes perfect!
Now about the main thing. To learn to write BEAUTIFULLY, you must first learn to read! And read a lot, preferably, fiction of famous classics and not only them, as well as articles in newspapers, which write correspondents.
In a month you should read at least about 500 pages of text or at least finish reading the whole book! I at one time read 1000 pages a month including business articles! In a year you should read 5-10 thousand pages. I was getting out about 15-20,000 pages! Keep a record, writing in a notebook: how many pages you read and how many you have left until the end of the month! This is the first!
Second. The main thing is not to read quickly... the main thing is to UNDERSTAND what the author wanted to convey..., what meaning he put in his novel, article! It is necessary to be able to highlight the main thing, the main idea, to be able to retell for yourself what the text is about. Understand what it teaches! What was this text created for? What did the author want to convey to you through his work? This is basic knowledge!
Third. Literature should be loved since school! If the desire was not there and it is not interesting to read, and even more so to understand the author's thought, you will not be able to convey YOUR thought. Only by learning from others - you will understand how to do it yourself!
Fourth. In general, "What is reading for?" - you ask! I will answer you - to learn to build sentences yourself! But to learn, I repeat once again, it is necessary to learn from famous authors-classics! It is necessary to memorize speech turns, words, to understand how these words affect the meaning. Understand for yourself why he put this word here and not another word in another place. Every word has its place in the sentence! Every sentence of the author expresses his thoughts! Through sentences and words he conveys his thoughts to the reader. But that's not all!
The main thing here, to connect, are punctuation marks! It is necessary to know the grammar of your language perfectly! It turns out that while still studying at school you have to love and study your language and your literature and literature of foreign authors to compare: styles of writing, narration, the course of thought and WHAT comes after WHAT - the structure of sentences! And you thought..., that it was all so easy...? I'm not scaring anyone, I'm telling the truth! Writing is very hard work!
(Leo Tolstoy)
For your information, let me give you an example: Have you ever seen Leo Tolstoy's book War and Peace? Have you read it? It's THOUSAND THREE hundred pages of text! Almost half of the text is in French, because that was the international language at the time, and now it is English. For the writer of this novel, you need to know not only Russian perfectly and its grammar, but also clearly know and understand the French language with its grammar! Can you imagine how much you need to know to write a text without mistakes?!
For information - this novel was rewritten by the writer's wife five hundred TIMES before this book saw the light of day! Just think about these numbers! "War and Peace" was written in SIX years! Can you imagine what a Herculean effort it was!
Back then there were no computers and the program "Word", where you can not rewriting the text immediately change what you need. At that time there was only a QUILL, ink and paper! Not even a pen, but a QUILL! The quills were first goose quills, then steel quills. It was only after steel quills that the first imperfect example of a fountain pen appeared.
Have you ever written a letter with a quill pen? Friends, it's extremely slow, believe me. You also have to dip the nib in ink from time to time... this isn't a ballpoint pen, is it?
A goose quill wears out, it needs to be replaced, and so does the ink! ...What if the person who writes in the blank has made a mistake or a blot? There was no rubber band to erase it back then! The page had to be rewritten.
Writing is a gift. You either have it or you don't! You can write anything at all. But will it be BEAUTIFUL? Will the thought be interpreted correctly through the sentences and words? Not all writers can be called with a capital letter. You have to write with your heart and soul, based on your experience. For me, for example, it is important to convey my emotions and feelings to the reader. He should be involved in the story, feel what the writer feels through words, commas... to understand his attitude. This is very difficult, believe me, than to write any simple text, for example, about the weather.
But, believe me, when a beautiful article is born, it's a delightful feeling! You are like a CERAMIST molding words; you connect words with other words; then these words flow like a stream into sentences, and sentences are like a river flowing into the ocean, which I call an article! Your thought should also flow gradually, like water from a stream to a river and from a river to an ocean!
Literature is a complicated thing! There must be a connection between the author and the reader in the text. Write the truth! The difficulty lies in choosing the right words when writing to convey the essence of what needs to be said and what needs to be taught. There must be a concise connection of words to each other. The construction of phrases should be BEAUTIFUL!
Know: Love, Sense and Beauty will save the World!
Fifth. Writing takes VERY MUCH TIME! Because it is creativity, first of all! For example, you have written an article. Read it once! Think about the structure of the sentences. Do you think every word stands on its own? Did you get your point across correctly through the words and sentences? Is the comma, exclamation point in the right place? Do you have a good command of the rules of writing your language? YOU GOT TO LOVE DOING IT!!! You have to be FANATIC about what you do! Moreover, it takes talent and ability! BUT... labor and more labor! No one is wrong who does nothing! One must always try and move forward! Yes, there will be mistakes, but YOU learn from those mistakes!
Study literature, the rules of writing your language, read a lot, don't be afraid to write! Writing is a painstaking labor if you want to write high quality articles! For the birth of an article you need a VERY LOT of patience! Not everyone has it!
Do not send your fresh article right away from here to the site. Reread it many times. Correct words, commas, think about the meaning of the text. Corrected? ...Don't rush! Postpone the article until tomorrow. The next day, reread it again. I'm sure you'll have a new perspective. You'll proofread it again. Finish your sentences. Find synonyms for the words. I think it's all corrected. I think it's okay. ...Take your time! Postpone the article again for the next day. Then re-read the article again. If, as YOU think, no more corrections are necessary, then send it to work.
For me, for example, one article takes about three days! And that's if you know WHAT and HOW to write! And that's only in your own language!
For example, I have no problems with my language skills, but..., I don't know English PERFECTLY. And here it takes me two more days to translate the text. And then another day to polish it. Total article from birth to release takes ME about five days, depending on the size of the article!
And YOU thought you took a google translator and that's it... click, and it translated? ...No, my darlings... I've tried it myself - it's a machine on the Internet! It, sometimes, not everything always high-quality translates! I have personal experience. By the method of trial and error came to the conclusion that I need a translator who studied another language and can convey MY thought to YOU, my readers very close to the text. Although it is possible not to translate into another language. Who likes it! Just the scope of the article will be wider.
So, I approach writing articles as WORK! Treat your articles as WORK and the result will not be long in coming! But, ALL THIS takes TIME!
Good luck and success to everyone and, most importantly, patience in this not easy writing labor for us! I hope that my experience will be useful to YOU!
©Copyright: Vladimir Yevtushenko3, 2024
Certificate of Publication No. 224082800298. (28.08.2024)