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Let's Go Phishing: Presearch Edition

Yesterday, I got an email alleging to be from Presearch and claiming that I have funds available for withdrawal. The problems with that message are as follows:

  • The email sender's domain doesn't match that of Presearch, which is a red flag.
  • I don't yet have enough PRE to be able to withdraw any. (I'm about 68% of the way there.)
  • The "withdraw" link in the email is a shortened link that could lead absolutely anywhere on the 'Net (and probably nowhere good).

Stay vigilant, folks. Always check that the sender's address is actually a match with the service provider's domain and the message content isn't suspicious or false/inconsistent.

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Great White Snark
Great White Snark

I'm currently seeking fixed employment as a S/W & Web developer (C# & ASP .NET MVC, PHP 8+, Python 3), hoping to stash the farmed fiat and go full Crypto, quit the 07:30-18:00 grind. Unsigned music producer; snarky; white; balding; smashes Patriarchy.

The Snark Returns: Random Musings from The GWS
The Snark Returns: Random Musings from The GWS

SW/Web developer: ~12 years of C# (yay!) & ASP .Net MVC, Java (blargh!), Python (woot!) experience. I'm currently hitting faucets and writing for crypto to stake/invest . | I work part-time with animals. Sadly, my cerebellum and medulla oblongata aren't Einsteinian in proportion. However, I possess a Brobdingnagian vocabulary and get by with being a barbigerous logophile. I can probably write you into bed, if smashing Capitalism and Patriarchy turns you on. Kink is political!

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