Urgent call for Ramadan ** Syed Allama Imam Hayat

** Urgent call for Ramadan **

Syed Allama Imam Hayat

Fasting is an essential religious pillar and an integral part of life for the believers in spiritual development and success and protection from calamity, which is rooted in the pursuit of love and closeness of the Merciful God and His Beloved Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam and the condition of which is purity of the soul.

Allahu ta'ala first speaks of faith in the Qur'anic verse indicating fasting. He made fasting obligatory not only for all people, but only for the believers, and made faith the first and foremost condition even before all other acts of worship. Amal is not accepted without Iman and not only Amal but also Iman is the main condition for becoming a Muslim. A life based on faith is based on faith, a life based on falsehood is based on faith. False souls and life processes cannot be accepted as part of falsehood.

Faith is not just the name of belief or worship of God, non-Muslims like them talk about faith, worship, believe in the hereafter, sin, virtue, justice and injustice, but do not believe in the message of God, accept any prophet or messenger like them. However, the unbroken line of the previous Reshalat and the original Reshalat believe in God Not on. There is no relation of Tauhid without faith and acceptance in Reshalat, Reshalat is the main address and center of receiving Divinity and the main light and mercy. Iblis was expelled and cursed for not accepting the Prophethood. If the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) disregards the Prophethood, he becomes detached from the Oneness of Allaah. If it is connected to Reshala, it is related only to Ilahiya, otherwise it is not. Reshalat is the place of revelation of Allah's light, Asma, Shefat and revelation, which is the denial of indirect Tauhid. Guidance, mercy, knowledge, salvation have all come and gone through eternity. Putting the great Reshalat above all other relationships in life is the soul of faith and the highest love for Tauhid.

Faith is the most important thing in the soul and life, the real identity of life. Iman Tawheed is not just an outward acknowledgment or utterance of the message, acceptance in the soul, becoming the life of Allah and His Beloved Prophet (peace be upon him), being free from the opposite path of Tawheed message. The mere utterance of the kalema is a self-contradictory position without being free from the opposite position of the holy kalema-based self and self-consciousness. In the holy scripture of faith, we do not swear by the self-identity and life consciousness based on Reshalat-centered Tauhid, we are included and freed from the opposite.

The opposite of Tauhid is atheism, materialism derived from atheism i.e. materialistic self-consciousness and life consciousness and various materialistic destructive doctrines. The institution of Tauhid Ilahiyat is Reshalat, the center of Tauhid is the life of Tawheed. Materialist materialist or atheist life on the basis of object by making the object self-identity and life the root of nationalism. Faithful selfhood is based on Tauhid based on Reshalat, while materialistic selfhood is based on language, tribe, state, gender, nature, etc. Objects are a gift of God for the welfare of human beings, not above human beings. Apart from the divine-based self-identity, self-realization, self-realization and kalema-based life consciousness, the mere utterance of kalema is only a word, not faith.

Liberation of the soul from material slavery, freedom of life, dignity, security, rights, ownership, development and progress, end of all illegitimate authority and coercion, free personality is one of the basic meanings and reflections of life consciousness based on Kalama or Tawheed Reshalat. Those who misuse the name of Islam anonymously, God's law, Sharia or any other word misinterprets the legitimate fundamental rights and freedoms of any human being irrespective of religion norm, develops terror, destroys humanity, destroys life, is contrary to Kalima, Iman and Deen. The destructive enemy, the bearer of ignorance in Ayam, the apostate prophet, the Ezidabadi Kufri Chakra. After Tauhid Resalat, personal freedom of man is the greatest gift of Kalima, humanity is the highest matter of religion, which is the denial of the consciousness of Kalama. Those who destroy humanity by claiming to be Muslims or believers have no faith and they are not Muslims either.

Before all the acts of worship, including prayers and fasting, one has to know one's own position and correct one's position, because the precondition for existence and worship is faith. Haq Aqeedah is the basis of faith and faith is the only basis of Islam, not any action or surat. Faithless deeds are like lifeless bodies. Amal has no value in false beliefs. According to a false party, the Muslim claim is as false as the claim of fasting while under the influence of alcohol. Faith is the precondition of a believer's life, free from all false doctrines, full of faith in the great Beloved Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) for the sake of Allaah. Their souls are dead and from faith Isolated.

Fasting is not for spiritual purification but for spiritual progress. Improvement of the impure soul, the bearer of false lies, is impossible. It is the relationship between false leadership and falsehood and oppression that defiles the soul. Faith and steadfastness in truth and the absolute love of the beloved Prophet are the light of spiritual purification. If the root of the soul, the source of existence, is in any way detached from the great messenger, if the messenger is not centered but material, then the soul becomes dead, dark and impure, where prayers, fasting or any worship is of no use. The struggle against the instinct of fasting for liberation from the bondage of instinct. But the attempt to liberate the instinct without liberating the soul from the relation of falsehood and oppression is absurd. According to the hadith, not only faith, but also freedom from the evil nature of cruelty, envy, arrogance, evil of others, etc. and acquiring honest virtues is also an important condition for the acceptance of worship, which is more important than Tariqat.

The Holy Qur'an must be recited in the holy month of Ramadan, but it cannot be misinterpreted, Wahabi, Maududi, Tablighi, Shia, Qadiani, Salafi, etc. God Himself has forbidden the lexical meaning of all the verses of the Holy Qur'an (Surah Al Imran verse 7). Therefore, in order to remain steadfast in the truth without losing faith, only the path of Ahl-e-Bayt, Kholafaye Rashedin, Imams of Truth and Awliyakaram should be in the right direction of the age in the direction of Ahl-e-Sunnat wal Jamaat.

Holders of Justice, Peace, Freedom, Rights, Security, Service, Humanity, Love, Knowledge, Progress and Democracy Holders of True Islam Lack of Global Unified Programs Civilization Holds Human Freedom False Barbarism Holds Oppression Aggressive Islam with Disguised Power By abolishing Islam, their disbelief, false oppression, dictatorship became Islam Continue Zeeb lot of the public is going to continue. Being naturally incapacitated, the state is trying to impose its injustice by seizing power under the guise of terrorism and Islam. Especially in the holy land of Ka'bah, with the help of the anti-Iman sectarian Saudi Wahhabi dictatorship, the Wahhabi Salafi bombers, the extremist militant civilization, the rising force of humanity is emerging. They are carrying out these misdeeds by creating Khareji Wahhabi militant madrassas and unscrupulous murderous terrorist groups. Destruction of faith, perversion of religion, misinterpretation of Holy Quran and Hadith Sharif, attack on holy shrines, centers of spirituality Imposing blockade, knowledge science technology p Jihad in the name of democracy and against terrorism, crime and loss involved in the murder of religion, faith and religion than the worst of the batela pherakai believe in prayer, with the abandonment of the practice satruesaba batelera ektedaya cut the root of a tree branch as well as to water and destroy the enemy in their madrasa to help the charity in Islam.

The movement for the protection of rights and humanity and the stand against falsehood and oppression is a religious duty. Success in personal life alone will not come from being separated from the caravan of truth by neglecting the responsibilities of faith. Overall liberation and the victory of truth and humanity in our united efforts for truth.

Syed Allama Imam Hayat
   World Sunni movement

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Great holy welcome of beloved Rasul to us is coming of light to our dark life.collect from Imam Hayat

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