Life and death uncovered

There are elements they are all based on the carbon structure yet if elements evolve they are called different things..

 Now take a atom much smaller each with a numeric value of protons electrons and neutrons it makes a structure.. 

So now if a atom where a system of governments with a two sided majority and a neutral body.. Then we would be in a atomic structure.. based around a element such as carbon..

Now as we evolve then so do our contradictory elements.. for every pro there is a con.. 

Take the world as a whole many molecules circling around or swirling amongst each other.. does that not create the universe..

And does the universe not evolve..

That's what makes a elected body or eclectic body..

If we don't work together does the structure not break..

For every predictor there is a prey and is it not prey vs prey and ignorance is bliss..

The Freeman special on netflix about creation and the cosmos was very insightful.. 

I am a person that basically thinks if all religions aren't combined than there isn't a real answer. And netflix made me a step closer to understanding. It went through Hindu Buddhists Mayans Christianity Allah and the Torah to find a link or understanding to all. 

I thoroughly enjoyed this because when it boiled down to it it seemed as though all where saying there is no end to any of this or you. Once created you find a way to grow again either by flower person anger redemption or harmony. 

I watched the last episode and the Hindus were going over the water spirit of there main river. And how it was captured by Brahma sent to shiraz and grew from that. Only thing is space is water it is the darkest ocean. 

But it did teach me one thing it said that before existence there was no concept of existence. 

So is the above mentioned in italics existence and our we supposed to break down that to find our existence as flawed.


To me this meant something and nothing. That if nothing was existence and something was created than nothing has to be boiled down to nothing to know what anything is. Or everything is something that needs to become nothing to find truth.

Closest my mind came was black and white. If white was nothing black was something and black creates colors and white does the same than. What are the purposes of black and white knowing we see a white light upon death.. So they say...

Black would be expansion and white would be condensing.

If we are condensing carbon then we would be filling gaps upon death to evolve like a memory coming to be.

If we were black then we would be evolving our structure to consume little bits of carbon.

If white made colors like yellow and orange

than black makes blue and green.

Together they create.

But black wants more life and white wants more death..

here is my reason behind this..

White if nothing boiled down to nothing would be clear something beyond white is a clear hue.

and black or color. And black if expanded would be colors like purple or pink ECT. 

So to conclude nothing of nothing is clear to me and something out of everything amounts to hydro or boyantcy in water. Or the dark seas of space.

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