BAT Protocol Brings Metaverse To HALO Network

By RitabeII | Helloadaora | 23 Oct 2021

BATPL is bringing the metaverse to HALO Network. With the interest in that virtual reality, HALO Network is partnering with the BAT Protocol to improve on the progress made. We can expect more interest and engagements in the coming days as the metaverse takes shape on HALO Network.

What Is BATPL? 

BAT Protocol is a project that specializes in maximizing the utility of data through the improvement of data processes. The protocol consists of a data network where all the relevant data processes – distributed data storage, database, and computing – are captured. 

How BAT Protocol Works 

BATPL is an open-source ecosystem that consists of different entities playing distinct roles towards achieving a common goal. These roles include:

Data Submitters: Any data chain must consist of data sources, and data submitters are the primary producers of such data. These entities rely on IoT devices where data – personal and corporate – are obtained. 

With the crucial role played by data submitters within the BAT ecosystem, these entities get incentivized in BATPL tokens. 

Data Consumers: A little higher up the data chain are data consumers. These use data provided by data producers. 

Activities of data consumers are subject to data privacy laws, so permissions are certainly required. Like the data producers, the consumers have to be incentivized as well. However, data producers incur a fee for data consumed.

Blockchain Node: This role isn’t open to just anyone. A blockchain node uses computing devices to process data, making it suitable for the digital ledger. It’s like a data conduit from outside to the blockchain. 

The Metaverse Angle

From afar, the Metaverse connection to BATPL is unclear. Yet, the understanding of the Protocol’s Web 3.0 link should clear all doubts. 

BAT Protocol delivers a digital identity that’s free of the shackles of a central authority thanks to the duo of data economy and the distributed ledger.  

Thanks to that decentralized digital identity, the true capability of NFTs are unleashed. BAT protocol relies on the cryptography and other impressive features – immutability and transparency – of the digital ledger to make the metaverse a reality. 

The virtual reality of metaverse has been on the fringes until recent times when virtual reality became a source of interest in the tech space. 

With the increasing interest in the metaverse occasioned by a post-pandemic world, data – one of the pillars of this virtual reality – has grown in demand. Fortunately, projects like BATPL are built for that purpose.

What The Partnership Between BATPL And HALO Network Means

BATPL started on other chains, but the protocol is now expanding its activities to HALO Network. This means many things for BATPL and the blockchain. Here’s a breakdown of what this partnership means for the parties involved:

Greater Visibility for BATPL

The launching of BAT Protocol on HALO Network will expand the reach of the former. HALO Network’s growing community has the numbers which BATPL needs to get the desired visibility. 

Increased visibility is the only way to avoid obscurity – a situation no crypto project wants. Currently, HALO Network is letting the world know about BATPL, more than any chain has ever done, and this is great for the protocol. 

The greater visibility for BATPL will have a ripple effect on the entire data economy. More data consumers and submitters get drawn to the protocol, resulting in a more efficient data ecosystem.

DEX Listing

Though token listing on DEX can be done without the team’s knowledge, BATPL got listed on HOSWAP, HALO Network’s first DEX with the approval of both parties.

Interested persons can buy or sell BATPL using the BATPLUSDT trade pair. Anyone that has always wanted to make decisions regarding the metaverse will need the BATPL token. Holders can create proposals on the operations of BAT Protocol, and they can vote on available proposals.

Metaverse Gets A Boost

The partnership between BATPL and HALO Network will give the metaverse development a significant boost. There are certain areas where the dApp needs support, and this partnership can make things right. HALO Network is a blockchain with a robust framework that will spur the ecological governance of the metaverse. 

Web 3.0 Development Continues

Our growing reliance on data marks the onset of Web 3.0. BAT Protocol’s heavy involvement in the data ecosystem is aimed at deepening the development of Web 3.0. Yet, there’s only so much the protocol can achieve in bringing the world closer to the many opportunities of Web 3.0. This partnership with HALO Network increases the impact of BATPL towards actualizing the bigger picture of a world where data lightens our burdens.


The BAT Protocol is getting integrated on HALO Network. With the availability of the dApp on that public chain, the metaverse inches closer to reality. If you have always been a fan of the metaverse, the BATPL on HALO Network is your portal to get involved.

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