Top drinkers in the world

By VNFC | Health by natural | 18 Feb 2021

I recently read an article about what countries has the "honor" to have the most willing to get drunk citizens.

The entity who is doing this kind of research is: Global Drug Survey


They are dealing with all kind of survey for different subjects, but all are related to drugs, from Cannabis to Alcohol, etc

I am not discussing here if they respect the statistic techniques, I hope so, but I am interested now about what can they "produce" and could be funny even for entertainment.


The top

The survey was made on 25 countries and 90 000 persons. I don't have enough data to know if the same number of subjects were questioned in each country (keeping the proportions with the total population from that country vs other countries), but:

  • it seems the people from England and Scotland have the most acute drunk wish - 34 times in a year, vs the european average of 21 times/year (well - 2 times/month - it is much or not?)

  • but the second and the third place is taken by Aussies - with 32 times drunk states/year, and Danish and Finnish people (I can't blame them, with the messy weather out there) - with 31 and 30 drunkenness/year

  • and, not too far, Americans and Canadians - 27 times to get lost/year, and French and Irish people - 26 times

I am not sure why the Irish guys are so far from the other Brits, but that's the survey.


I am not here to discuss why the people feel the need to get drunk. Could be a part of socializing, where everybody is drinking and even if you don't want to, it is possible to left the stage of reality at a certain (even short) moment.

Somebody is drinking of joy, other, because of sadness, loneliness, to forget, etc

Never mind. What can I say is - don't mix the drinks. Otherwise, you could drink to forget, but you will never forget the headache the drink made it to you.


The bottom

What about the last in this top:

Spain - 14 times/year

Italy - 12 times/year

Mexico - 10 times/year

Portugal - 9 times/year

Argentina and Colombia - 7 times/year

I see 4 of the most famous countries for wine industry (of course, France and Australia are also big wine producers, and South Africa also). Why is the people producing so much wine if they don't drink it?


Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Maybe they are eating too much and forgot about it. Here is the data. We could see also women, men, young and mature people here.


It seems, a third of the drunken boys felt sorry after getting drunk (I am sure that not immediately, but the next day - remember the headache and mixing the drinks?).
Well, the women are more numerous in this case (39%) vs men (25%).

I cannot argue with that.

But where I am surprised: Russia and Poland. They are not so "drinking 'till the end" amateurs, but this could be maybe because of their training to drink, so it is possible to make disappear a much bigger quantity of alcohol, but with not so much damages to their waking state like in other countries.

I can deal with it. It's a proved fact: as long you are training, you are resisting much than others.




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