By farmerjon | Harvest Finance | 13 Sep 2020

Farmerjon will keep it short and sweet this time and make a humble prediction for $FARM. From then on, Farmerjon will be happily retired in the $FARMER'S DREAM and the rest will be left to Chad, my prodigal son. 

My fellow $FARMERS, the age of $FARM: THE FLIPPENING is upon us. At the time of this post, the APY of the Profit Sharing V2 pool has surpassed the APY of the balancer pool. History is being made as I type. 


For the few of you paying attention, liquidity is being pulled from the balancer pool at a massive rate, causing a huge spread in the price of $FARM between the balancer pool and the uniswap pool. As the price of $FARM is higher on balancer than on uniswap, it can only mean one thing: $FARM is being market bought at a massive rate. 


Here, we see the signs of what is to come. The day we will remember as $FARM: THE FLIPPENING. The day when the APY on the Profit Sharing V2 pool surpasses the APY of the uniswap pool. It may not happen today, it may not happen tomorrow. But, the day it does happen, we will likely see the most massive market buy on $FARM to date, and the greatest green dildo in history will be painted on the $FARM charts.

LPs, you have been warned. Please do not fall victim to massive IL due to the great meteoric ascension of $FARM. It is much safer in the $FARMER'S DREAM, where farmerjon is residing. Where the price of $FARM will settle, nobody knows. But when it does, history will have been made and we, fellow $FARMERS, would have arrived on the moon. 




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farmerjon loves $FARM. If you feel like giving farmerjon some $FARM, you can do it here: 0x38F23DcD254B56a219F2a79510e6892bf5501E0F farmerjon will use it to pay Chad's allowance. Chad is farmerjon's son and you can follow him on twitter @iFarmYourMum

Harvest Finance
Harvest Finance

Fair launch, 100% community farming, community governance. Weekly adaptive yield farming strategies to bring value to the FARM token holders and make DeFi farming 1 click easy.

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