Birthday Girl " i " #3

Here is a continuation of my Comic Strip project “ i ”. Medium is mixed media; Pencil, Pen, Marker, Highlighter, and Digital. 


Its revealed in this 3rd issue, the crush that Edith has on Miles should be a non issue. Mainly because, the Birthday Girl is deceased and the red flower was for her grave.

As for Miles noticing what Edith is thinking, I don’t think Miles would notice a dump truck full of Octopi. At least not yet. Maybe time is all that is needed.

You may have noticed there is very little dialog in this issue. I wanted the scenery to do must of the talking. From the title “ i “  to  “ ... miss You.” , and the red flower on the grave is all that is needed to communicate the moment of loss and sadness.  

Does Edith have a significant other? And what would that significant other think of this crush on Miles? I have an inkling of an idea. I’ll share when I’ve fleshed it out. 





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HamondStrabwary Art
HamondStrabwary Art

Sharing my mixed media art and writing about various things connected to each piece.

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