Brendan Eich "bullish" on DeFi

As the price of BAT surges, Brave CEO Brendan Eich says he's "bullish on DeFi" and the future of ad-tech.

In a new, hour-long interview with Thinking Crypto, the Basic Attention Token founder spoke of his confidence in digital currency, saying it was "still strong" and "here to stay".

Turning his attention to BAT, the 59-year-old says the next few years look extremely bright.

“Over time, as the system grows, the price becomes more stable … the price should go up because it’s a capped sale – there are only 1.5 billion Basic Attention Tokens that can be divided fractionally to 18 decimal places. You’ll never run out, you’ll just smaller amounts.

“As more people use it in a broader ecosystem the token becomes more valuable.”

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Half price BAT sale - August 18
Half price BAT sale - August 18 will offer US $500,000 worth of BAT Basic Attention Token (BAT) at half price on 18 August, 06:00 UTC.

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