A small opinion for beginners hoping it will help

By Cilicnt | Guy stating an opinion | 2 Jan 2022

First I just need to say I'm no professional and I'm just stating my opinion in case it can help anyone.

I have been doing some investing and also reading and talking with people about it.

Here is what I know.

When you first start with crypto you get to a decision which coin to buy. Please don't be afraid of large coins like Bitcoin. Even if they are expensive they are almost certainly a safe bet to invest. Don't expect to gain money quickly if you just invest once. Try it this way. Think of an amount of money you are able to spend on crypto every week. This way you won't spend too much at a time and will feel less discouraged to invest more. In some time (most likely few months or even a year) you will see the worth of your crypto increasing. Keep in mind that crypto always fluctuates so don't be discouraged by small drops in value that lasts a shower period of time. Be patient and keep this in mind when deciding what to do next like should you sell or not

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Guy stating an opinion
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